Challenge 88 Hips

Nov 07, 2006 20:35

Title: Good Grief
Characters: Laura/Six
Spoilers:  S3
Disclaimer: still not mine
Word count: 200
Notes: unbetad. Inspired by Radak's icons and wall papers.

Laura moved seductively forward, straddling Baltar on the bed, green eyes glowing with passion.

“Oh please, Laura. Put him down, you don’t know where he’s been.”

Laura looked over her shoulder and pouted knowingly at the blonde. “Actually, I’m pretty sure that I do.”

Six tilted her head and considered the former President and walked toward her in the classic model walk, hips swaying seductively. “You can do much better.”

Laura arched an eyebrow. “You?” a laugh falling from her lips as she turned.

“Yes, me. Don’t forget how well I know you; your desires, your needs.”

Six smiled, her hand reaching out, stroking the line of Laura’s face, leaning in to very softly kiss the redhead.  On finding no resistance, Six deepened the kiss, tongue tracing the roof of Laura’s mouth so very gently, her other hand tracing the line of her ribs, being rewarded for her efforts by the tiniest of whimpers.

“Err. Ladies.” Baltar tried to gain their attention and failed miserably. It wasn’t fair. They were in his head; they should be playing with him, not undressing each other, touching each other, blonde and red merging, melding intent on their pleasure; their exploration of each other.

challenge90, challenge88, fandom: battlestar galactica, author: selenay_x

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