Title: What Goddesses Get Up To When They're Bored
Prompt: same as the title
Fandom: Discworld
Pairing: Libertina/Sessifet
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 200
A/N: A drabbletag response for
amazon_syren's prompt. Libertina is the goddess of the sea, apple pie, certain types of ice cream and short lengths of string, and Sessifet, of the afternoon.
'You have so many fetishes, my dear,' Sessifet sighs, not really disapproving. 'At least I only have one.'
'You have so many fetishes, my dear,' Sessifet sighs, not really disapproving. 'At least I only have one.'
Libertina ties the string tightly behind the divan, and kisses Sessifet slowly, softly. (The first stars, a cool wind, a taste of sun, and a touch of regret.) The goddess of the afternoon archs her back, a wordless invitation; breaking their connection, Libertina's eyes are drawn irresistably down. (Silky blue skin: naked, open, inviting.)
The room (silk-decorated, stone-built) is filled with a soft golden light. 'Better?' asks Libertina with an arched eyebrow.
A shadow of a smile flickers on Sessifet's lips. 'No, not yet.' She opens her legs, and so help her... her, Libertina must oblige the invitation. Slowly (patience) she runs her fingers down the goddess's thigh, down towards her center. (The taste of sea, sea fermented in every woman's most sacred parts, and she can hear its rush and the animal cries across its vastness as she dips her fingers into Sessifet.)
Libertina catches her passion, her sighs, then her cries. No-one makes love like a goddess - no-one could.
Down below, as evening approaches, the smell of baking wafts through darkening gardens. That night, a few dozen people find faith.
Title: Room 23, The Outside Inn, 1930
Prompt: 'Light'
Fandom: Angel
Pairing: Darla/Drusilla
Rating: R
Word count: 200
A/N: For the request by
Darla is asleep now (stars behind her eyes she is sure stars all covered up with red Rorscach blots, oh, Darla, sweet dreams) and Drusilla doesn't want to wake her, not when she looks so restful, almost as dead, unbreathing, unmoving, but with the blush of fresh feeding on her skin, and a trickle of nourishment still on her left breast, the one that lies on top of the silk, a perfect shape of soft skin, shadow-framed and drawn in light.
Drusilla licks the trickle off carefully, breathes on the spot to dry the saliva, looks up at Darla, unstirring, closes her lips around her nipple and thinks about biting down.
She opens her mouth, teeth lengthening, pressing cold tips on Darla's breast.
Darla wakes like an animal, snarling, and hideous strength smashes Drusilla against the wall, and then Darla is on her, biting down on her neck, and Drusilla laughs: it's just like last night; and this new room is again dyed red, before they'll be done, and they'll be hungry, but it will have been worth it.
(Behind my eyes now, and it tastes like history but no, she can't quite see it, gauze, memory, sunlight, oh god.)