Title: Slither
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: Snake
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione/Pansy
Rating: R
Word count: 100
Pansy slithered over Hermione, helped by massage oil they’d been rubbing each other with.
Hermione couldn’t help but think of her as Slytherin, even all these years after their time at Hogwarts. Even after they started whatever this thing was between them.
Skin to oil slick skin Pansy slid up. She was on top, and once she was up face to face with Hermione her eyes narrowed. She regarded Hermione with a cool, predatory, almost reptilian, gaze. Her tongue flicked out, not quite touching Hermione’s lips.
Hermione opened her mouth to speak but Pansy silenced her with a thirsty kiss.