Drabble Tag 8 - Teen Wolf

Jul 13, 2017 19:54

Title: Five Times Malia Wants to Propose to Kira
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Kira/Malia
1. Kira/Malia - light (drabbletag 7)
2. Kira/Malia - social anxiety (drabbletag 6)
3. Kira/Malia - shine (drabbletag 5)
4. Kira/Malia - song (drabbletag 6)
5. Kira/Malia - tea (drabbletag 5)
+1. Kira/Malia - wasted (drabbletag 5)
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Word Count: 6 x 250; each drabble makes up one part of the 5 + 1 story and can technically stand on its own
Summary: ...and the one time she finally does it.

author: doctorkaitlyn, drabbletag8, fandom: teen wolf

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