Back Into the Fight (X-Men; Mystique/Destiny; PG-13/T; #537: Together)

Mar 09, 2017 14:39

Title: Back Into the Fight
Author: Kat Lee
Fandom: X-Men
Character/Pairing: Mystique/Destiny
Rating: PG-13/T
Challenge/Prompt: FemSlash100 #537: Together
Warning(s): Cannon Character Death
Word Count: 250
Date Written: 7 March 2017
Summary: ( She still wakes some mornings on her grave, but she always remembers her promise. )

fandom: x-men, challenge537, author: katleept

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Comments 1

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katleept May 14 2017, 21:02:30 UTC
Thanks! I think that's the aspect of their relationship that actually hits home with me the most and makes them so compelling to write.


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