It is not midnight, yet...

Aug 28, 2006 23:25

*flees* (If you need me to break this up, so the pairings are easier to deal with, lemme know)
Just assume the rating is about 18+ some of them are, some aren't. And I'm off to bed.

challenge61 - night
Pairing: Sam/Vala fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Length: 250
Insomnia )

challenge67, author: lyssie, fandom: stargate sg-1, challenge66, challenge80, challenge68, challenge61, challenge65, challenge62, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: eureka, crossover, challenge64, challenge63, challenge69, fandom: blake's 7, fandom: doctor who

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Comments 12

selenay_x August 29 2006, 06:45:05 UTC
OMG - you put in Blakes 7 - thank you.


lyssie August 29 2006, 23:57:33 UTC
*g* Yes, well, I've been trying to get more of my girls in, and thus, this was an excuse.


sheepfairy August 29 2006, 22:41:31 UTC
Oh, I like all of these, but especially the last one. I love what it says about the Sharon/Six relationship, and how much uncertainty and deception is involved in it.


lyssie August 29 2006, 23:58:26 UTC
Thank you =)

I was trying not to be all fluffy about it, and rather went the opposite direction. *g*


elfcat255 August 30 2006, 04:53:11 UTC
ooo..loved all of these...especially the Weir/Sam one...not a pairing you write often...good work!


lyssie August 31 2006, 01:18:20 UTC
Thank you. =)

No, it isn't, but I keep promising people I'll write it, and it gets sidetracked for other things.


projectcyborg September 22 2006, 03:22:59 UTC
mmmmmmm. I like them all -- especially Cally/Starbuck (GUH). but Sharon/Six is so haunting. it's hard to know how to write them, because they're connected on so many levels but also their relationship is so strange. your approach really really works.

AND I have to squee about JO LUPO! yum yum yum. have I informed you of my hankering for a Jo/Maya/Uta (her lesbian vampire character on The L Word) doppelcest xover set on New Caprica (where she's a cylon, of course)?


lyssie September 22 2006, 03:27:40 UTC
Thank you! I think the Cally/Starbuck was the one I worried over the most.

BWAH. I love Jo like I love Kara and Sam. And Aeryn. And I would please like one. Maya is good, too, though far sweeter. *g* OMG. I'm now disturbed at the mental image of Jo bringing up Sharon and Helo's baby. *facepalm*


oltha_heri January 2 2007, 00:52:13 UTC
I have started a Leela community, and I was wondering if I could link to your Cally/Leela fic in a masterlist.


lyssie January 2 2007, 01:07:37 UTC
Thank you, and certainly. =)


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