It is not midnight, yet...

Aug 28, 2006 23:25

*flees* (If you need me to break this up, so the pairings are easier to deal with, lemme know)
Just assume the rating is about 18+ some of them are, some aren't. And I'm off to bed.

challenge61 - night
Pairing: Sam/Vala fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Length: 250

Sam never considered herself an insomniac. Not until she'd been a member of SG-1 for two years, at least. And even then, she was usually so busy in her lab (or in the field) that she fell asleep pretty quickly, once she'd been ordered to sleep. Unfortunately, her lab was shared, and other people frowned upon her staying in there after a certain hour.

Which was probably why she was stalking the halls of the SGC at three a.m., trying to wear herself out enough to sleep.

"Can't sleep?"

Glancing down the corridor she'd crossed, Sam found Vala watching her. She shrugged and turned to join the other woman. "My brain won't shut down."

"That happens, with the very intelligent. I, of course, sleep like a baby, most nights."

Sam raised an eyebrow, "Are you saying you're not intelligent?"

"More like, better able to relax myself."

"Oh? Think I could try your technique?" Anything would help, really.

"Why, Colonel," Vala purred, moving closer, "I didn't know."

"Didn't know?"

Sam wasn't confused two seconds later when Vala kissed her.

"The corridor really isn't the best place for this."

"No." Sam agreed.

"Kiss me again."

Vala didn't wait for an agreement, and Sam was beginning to think the guys on camera duty were going to be very happy. So would the internet, if this ever got out. "Quarters."

"What? Oh."

Really, Sam decided as they headed down the hall, this was a much better way of getting tired enough to sleep.

challenge62 - day
Pairing: specialist Cally/Starbuck fandom: newBattlestar Galactica set: season 1.
length: 250

Cally is tired of not knowing the real time. Oh, the ship's clocks tell them if it's day or night--but that's ship-time. It's not like being planet-side watching the sun rise, and knowing it was time to get up for the day.

So instead of sunlight, she watches the pilots. Watches Starbuck as she swaggers, and wonders, just a little, what it would be like to wake in the sunlight with her.

The thought surprises her, and she tries to think about other things--but sun-warmed hair and waking with dew on her skin intrudes. The image pops into her brain more than once when she's just drifting off to sleep--or standing in the shower. Sometimes, she glances sideways if Starbuck's there, and watches her.

Starbuck is efficient in the shower. Get wet, soap up, rinse off. Cally almost envies her.

And then one day, Starbuck finally stops mid-rinse and glares at her. "Like what you see, specialist?"

Cally's mouth goes dry, and she finds herself answering truthfully, "Yes."

Surprise, for a moment, then it's gone and Starbuck swaggers over to her. Cally has time to move, but doesn't. And then Starbuck is kissing her.

It's hot, wet, and something that floods her senses with the taste of water, soap and Kara Thrace. Cally gasps and Starbuck nips at her lower lip before pulling back. "Looking is fine, specialist," she murmurs as she steps back. "Just be careful you don't get burned."

She's gone before Cally can object.

challenge63 - sight
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Teyla fandom: Stargate: Atlantis set: in the midst of No Man's Land
Length: 100

Teyla doesn't have to do this often. In fact, in general, Teyla never has to worry about Elizabeth Weir walking through the gate and (never) coming back. It's usually Elizabeth's job to be on this side, to wait for her to come back.

And while she knows that Elizabeth is merely stepping through to Earth, a somewhat safe planet, she still can't help the slight fear.

The thought that something could happen. That, a billion light years away from her, Elizabeth could come to grief and there is nothing she could do.

It's a sobering thought. One she will ponder.

challenge64 - hearing
Pairing: Cally/Leela fandom: Blake's 7/Doctor Who (I've been doing crossover pairings for far too frickin' long, dude)
Length: 100

The sound: fist against flesh. Strike, parry, duck--Leela revels in the freedom of movement, in the feel of flesh rippling over bone. Muscles straining and flexing until there's sweat coating her everywhere.

Against her, Cally is a valiant opponent, but Leela is the stronger warrior, the one who lived or died by her own hand.

Leela waits until she can sense the exhaustion from the other woman before pressing her advantage. Blow after blow, she backs her into a corner until she's against the wall, eyes still full of life. There's no defeat in her.

Invigorated, Leela kisses Cally.

challenge65 - smell
Pairing: Jo Lupo/Sam Carter, fandoms: Eureka/Stargate: SG-1
length: 100

Gunpowder, oil and sweat.

Sam can breathe in and that's what Jo tastes like. In some corner of her mind, she thinks that's wrong. But the rest of her mind is fully occupied in kissing the deputy back.

It started with a challenge to see who was the better shot.

Somewhere along the way, the friendly competition had turned into something else until it seemed perfectly natural for Jo to press Sam back into the wall and kiss her.

One kiss led to another, neither of them giving up the fight.

Even Sam's brain isn't sure when it will end.

challenge66 - taste
Pairing: Cally/Jenna Stannis fandom: Blake's 7 set: seasons one/two
Length: 100

It's the taste of the brandy on Jenna's lips that makes Cally shiver. Or maybe the scent of sweat and blood, the memory of pain.

Jenna doesn't seem to remember any of that, doesn't seem to feel anything except the lust of the moment. And for that, Cally is grateful. She can reach out and touch Jenna's mind, can pull the comfort of humanity around her for a time.

When Jenna's thoughts fragment, she feels as though she's standing in the rain. With her mouth open, she sucks hard. And it's enough for the moment, to be wrapped in Jenna.

challenge67 - touch
Pairing: Kara Thrace/Sam Carter fandom: newBattlestar Galactica/Stargate: SG-1
Length: 100

The metal under her hands isn't alive, but there are times when Sam thinks it almost is. When she watches Starbuck pull yet another death-defying turn or spin, the viper moves as though it is alive.

It's yet one more reason that she thinks she should be avoiding Kara. But there's something about Kara's skin (which is alive), about her recklessness that pulls Sam to her, tumbles her brain until the only way out is up (kissing Kara). Until she's left wondering when it all started to fall apart at the seams.

With the sneaking suspicion that she likes it.
Or perhaps her seams just needed pulling.

challenge68 - dust
Pairing: Elizabeth Weir/Sam Carter fandom: Stargate: SG-1 set: er.. pre-season 8, I 'spose.
Length: 250 words

"You're joking."

Sam looked smug as she shook her head. "Nope."

Glad the wall was still holding her up, Elizabeth snorted, "People really believe that this storage room is used to store things for dusting?"

"It was the janitor's storage room, once." Sam seemed distracted with buttoning her pants.

Not really wanting to go back to the huge desk chair (and the responsibility), but knowing she had to, Elizabeth sighed and began attending to her own clothing. Honestly, she shouldn't be surprised that something as dangerous as the SGC provided its people with the perfect little spot for sex.

"You've got a lipstick mark on your neck," Sam noted, eyes narrowed.

Elizabeth reached up and began feeling for it. "Where?"

"No, there--" Sam seemed impatient as she reached out and touched the spot, fingers stroking even as they rubbed the mark away. "Better."


Sam kissed her, gently, "No one would ever suspect," she murmured, eyes gleaming in amusement.

Catching Sam's belt loop, Elizabeth tugged her closer, "Mmm."



They kissed again, a slow, exploratory kiss that was different from the passionate ones they'd shared previously. Or perhaps they were simply considering taking their time, this round. Unfortunately, the silence was shattered by the sound of the alarm klaxon.

"Unscheduled off-world activation! Dr. Weir to the control room!"

Sam groaned and pulled back, "They'll--"

"Major Carter to the control room!"

Elizabeth self-consciously checked her shirt and then headed for the door, "I'll see you in the control room, Major."

challenge69 - texture
Pairing: Sharon Valerii/Caprica Six fandom: newBattlestar Galactica set: post-Downloaded
Length: 159 (I'm tired, and this is the last one, and I don't care that it isn't a round number)

She doesn't love her.

Fingers feeling the texture of the scars on Six's skin, Sharon reviews--considers. Reviews isn't human. Reviews is a computer simulation, a logical progression of thoughts and feelings.

And what she feels is not logical. Love is as illogical as it comes, as full of meaning (or lack of) as it can be.

No computer can (could) quite comprehend it.

She tries to believe that makes her different. Sharon believes love makes her human, makes her better than human (she's a cylon, the cylon were created in God's image, and God is better than human).

But she knows what Six does not. What Six deludes herself with as they plan their rebellion, quiet conversation and shy kisses until Six is murmuring "Gaius, please," under her breath and Sharon tries not to care. Bites back the memories of a man with large hands and plans for their future.

She doesn't love her.

A machine can't love.

challenge67, author: lyssie, fandom: stargate sg-1, challenge66, challenge80, challenge68, challenge61, challenge65, challenge62, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: eureka, crossover, challenge64, challenge63, challenge69, fandom: blake's 7, fandom: doctor who

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