Title: For Love of Boobs
Prompt: Ghostbusters (2016): Erin/Holtzmann - buttoned-up
Requested By:
alba17Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Summary: Holtzmann reveals her newest invention
“What are you working on?” Erin asked, peering curiously over the table at Holtzmann’s current project.
“It’s a device that makes things more visible.” Holtz said, tinkering with a tiny screwdriver.
“’Things.’” Erin repeated. “What things?”
Holtzmann pressed a button and a long arcing arm spring out. Erin sat back in surprise and the hook on the end popped the top button of Erin’s blouse.
Holtzmann grinned triumphantly.
Erin blushed a little. “That was a lot of work for something I would’ve done anyway.”
Holtzmann shrugged, “I have a lot of time on my hands… and a love of boobs.”