Title: Haunted
Author: Swan_Secrets
Prompt: AU Table: #8 Ghosts
Fandom: The Flash
Pairings: Caitlin/Iris
Rating: G
Word count: 250
Note: This is a follow up to
A Distraction There was a ghost in Caitlin's house.
It was there in the day but it's presence was stronger when she turned out the light at night.
It haunted her dreams.
It lingered, restless, in the morning.
And one day she finally had enough of it. “Get out of my head!” she cried aloud to the empty bedroom.
Dr. Caitlin Snow was due to start her shift at the hospital in a couple of hours. That was enough time. She calmed herself with deep breaths. That was long enough to perform her long overdue exorcism.
She grabbed a big black trash bag from the kitchen.
When she was done she took the bag to the can outside. Closing the lid wasn’t as much of a relief as she had hoped it would be.
Caitlin had got Iris West's remaining stuff out of her apartment at last. The physical remnants cast out at last. But in the lonely rooms of her memory the spectre of their dead relationship lingered.
"Get out of my head," she pleaded, twin tears going down her cheeks like raindrops on fragile glass.
The break up had been messy. Jagged words had forever torn apart what was once a perfect slice of true love. Joy and warmth had crumbled so easy.
Anger, bitter regret and despair still refused to be purged from Caitlin's heart.
She went to work. She hoped that more time would dull the hurt and allow her to let the lost love rest in peace.