1 Drabbletag7 Fill | Once Upon a Time

Jun 05, 2016 19:57

Title: True Love’s Kiss
Author: madampresident
Prompt: Once Upon A Time: Emma/Regina - True Love's Kiss
Requested by bella_farfalla
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Summary: What can Emma say? She’s just happy.

“Only true love’s kiss can wake someone under a sleeping curse…” Emma whispered as she hovered over Regina, lips right next to her ear.

Regina sighed, “go back to sleep.” She whined. “You’re worse than a puppy.”

“Don’t you want to get up and start the day?” Emma insisted brightly. “The sun is shining, the birds are singing-”

“And mayors are sleeping.” Regina finished.

“You’re no fun.” Emma groused.

“Ten more minutes? Why don’t you start the coffee?” Regina acquiesced, not removing her eye mask.

Emma grinned and stole a kiss before getting off the bed. “I’m timing you.”

author: madampresident, drabbletag7, fandom: once upon a time

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