Drabble Tag Round 7 - Unfilled Prompts A-F and Kick-Off Post

Jun 01, 2016 03:47

Here's a few prompts to kick off Drabble Tag 7. Some are from last round and some are new ones that I added, especially ones from newer fandoms. Please post your fills here--your fic does not need to go here, but at least link to your fill in your reply, and then add your prompts.

Rules Post

Fandom Discussion post

Filled Prompts A- F

Filled Read more... )


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5 Fills bella_farfalla June 5 2016, 21:21:44 UTC
Game of Thrones: Margaery/Sansa - handmaiden - requested by vitiate_me

Once Upon A Time: Merida/Mulan/Red - sleep - requested by fresh_brainss

Lost Girl: Evony/Lauren - amusement park - requested by vitiate_me

The Flash: Caitlin/Iris - admit - requested by 4kennedy

The Librarians: Cassandra/Eve - in the depths of the library - requested by beckonade

So this means I can leave 10 prompts right? :D

Supergirl: Cat/Kara - possessive
Supergirl: Alex/Astra - fear
Once Upon A Time: Ruby/Dorothy - getting to know you
Once Upon A Time: Emma/Regina - True Love's Kiss
Once Upon A Time: Cruella/Ursula - tentacles
The Librarians: Cassandra/Eve - magic
The Librarians: Cassandra/Eve - joy
The Librarians: Cassandra/Eve - Christmas
Jane The Virgin: Jane/Petra - stress
Jane The Virgin: Luisa/Rose - always


withasmile87 September 2 2016, 12:21:56 UTC
The Walking Dead: Rosita/Tara - bed sharing

Disney: Ariel/Belle - Ball Dress
The Walking Dead: Andrea/Michonne- "I Miss You."


fresh_brainss November 8 2016, 20:41:04 UTC
Teen Wolf - Allison/Kira/Malia - cuddle

Sense8: Amanita/Nomi - spooning
Supergirl: Cat/Kara - pain
Teen Wolf: Allison/Marin - France


femme_slash_fan February 1 2017, 22:19:24 UTC
Sense8: Amanita/Nomi - Spooning: http://archiveofourown.org/works/9544856

Star Trek: The Next Generation - Beverly Crusher/Tasha Yar - Comforting
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Deanna Troi/Tasha Yar - Sensing You
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Beverly Crusher/Deanna Troi - "Imzadi" "Darling..."


temari778 July 3 2016, 19:02:06 UTC
Game of Thrones: Sansa Stark/Brienne of Tarth - Fealty

Mad Max: Fury Road: The Dag/Keeper of the Seeds - rain


silvr_dagger July 3 2016, 21:57:59 UTC
Mad Max: The Dag/The Keeper of the Seeds - rain

Mad Max: Furiosa/The Valkyrie - storm
Fairy Tales: any/any - heart's blood


cockrobinkiller July 14 2016, 16:07:31 UTC
Fairy Tales: any/any (Red Ridinghood/Rose Red)- heart's blood

Fairy tales: Rose Red/Snow White- forest
Bad Blood music video: Justice/Luna- firepower
Ever After High: Duchess/Poppy- feather pillow


killing_kurare December 29 2016, 03:06:56 UTC
Fairy tales: Rose Red/Snow White- forest

DCU: Harley/Ivy - orchid
DCU: Harley/Ivy - popcorn


crookedspoon January 7 2017, 17:30:33 UTC
DCU: Harley/Ivy - popcorn

Teen Wolf: Lydia/Malia - curriculum
Teen Wolf: Kira/Lydia - supporting


crookedspoon February 7 2017, 21:55:11 UTC
RE: 5 Fills fresh_brainss June 21 2016, 22:24:00 UTC
Star Wars: Jessika/Rey - battalion

Jem and the Holograms (IDW): Blaze/Clash - brave
Star Wars: Jessika/Phasma - crash landing


RE: 5 Fills cockrobinkiller July 8 2016, 22:45:45 UTC
Jem and the Holograms (IDW): Blaze/Clash - brave

Tokyo Mew Mew: Mint/Zakuro- fangs
Revolutionary Girl Utena: Juri/Shiori- rose
Jem and the Holograms (any): Kimber/Stormer- electric


RE: 5 Fills dustbunny105 August 9 2016, 15:03:20 UTC
Jem and the Holograms (any): Kimber/Stormer- electric

Harry Potter: Ginny/Hermione - spice
Harry Potter: Ginny/Luna - thestral
Harry Potter: Hermione/Luna - protect


RE: 5 Fills withasmile87 September 2 2016, 12:50:02 UTC
Harry Potter: Ginny/Hermione - spice

RPF: Selena Gomez/Taylor Swift- Missed Chances
Scream: Audrey Jensen/Emma Duval- Lingerie


RE: 5 Fills dustbunny105 February 16 2017, 04:33:33 UTC

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