Drabbletag6, CSI, Lady Heather/Sara - Eyes

Jul 09, 2015 13:10

Title: Hands Touch, Eyes Meet
Prompt: eyes
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Lady Heather/Sara
Rating: G
Word count: 109
Summary: Sara's changed...

eyes )

author: femme_slash_fan, drabbletag6, fandom: csi vegas

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Comments 4

temari778 July 9 2015, 16:16:46 UTC
I love this pairing so much; this is sweet~


femme_slash_fan July 9 2015, 16:32:57 UTC
They are pretty cute together.

Glad you like it.


minus_seven July 15 2015, 09:12:37 UTC
Yes, how I love this pair. It's something that exists in the darkness and blossoms in the darkness and it's gorgeous. Thanks for the fill.


femme_slash_fan July 30 2015, 20:31:30 UTC
Your welcome. The prompt just called so loudly I couldn't ignore it.


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