Drabbletag6, CSI, Lady Heather/Sara - Eyes

Jul 09, 2015 13:10

Title: Hands Touch, Eyes Meet
Prompt: eyes
Fandom: CSI
Pairing: Lady Heather/Sara
Rating: G
Word count: 109
Summary: Sara's changed...

"You've changed..."

Lady Heather speaks softly, approaching the woman stood in her doorway, looking both sure of herself and guarded at the same time.

"How can you tell?"

"Your eyes..."

Heather's touch is light against Sara's cheek, warm and gentle. Sara leans into her touch just slightly, allowing herself to want this for once. She used to try to hide, now she no longer cares. Sara's eyes close and Heather kisses her softly, drawing her closer, their hands meeting as Heather raises a hand to brush hair out of Sara's face, Sara's own hand meeting hers. Sara's eyes open and she smiles.

"I've missed you..."

"I missed you too."

author: femme_slash_fan, drabbletag6, fandom: csi vegas

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