
Apr 21, 2006 21:20

Um, I've been a slack poster. So here we go!

Fandom: Battlestar Galactica
Pairing: Kara Thrace/Roslin
Rating: NC17
Challenge #64 'Hearing'
A/N: Third drabble in the continuing 'Booty Call series' that finds Roslin summoning an awkward and awe-filled Kara to a late night meeting...

"You're going to clean that up, Kara." Roslin drew her eyes from the pool of spilt water on the desk to the wild streaks of wet across her skirt and blouse. She cocked her head and smiled slowly at Starbuck.

"M-Madam President, uh, Laura - I'm sorry." Kara averted her eyes and hastily grabbed a fistful of tissues and began to mop at the spill on the desk. It was quickly gone but before she could pull her hand away, it was violently pinned with a loud, quick slamming hold.

Kara winced, more from shock than pain. She looked nervously around, worried that Dee or Billy might be nearby, overhearing the whole thing.

"I didn't mean there," Roslin growled, and she wrenched Kara's hand from it's place and pushed it up her skirt. The blonde blushed, but it wasn't the heat in her face that bothered her most.

Roslin hooked her leg behind Kara's right knee. The forward movement, then, propelled the pilot's hand further up the inside of the President's thighs.

"Now fuck me."

My God. Starbuck quivered. Didn't she care who could hear this?

fandom: battlestar galactica, challenge64, author: missmai_chan

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