Drabbletag5, Orphan Black, Alison/Beth, shame

Jul 26, 2014 13:02

Title: Cheers To Us
Author: Temari778
Fandom: Orphan Black
Pairing: Alison/Beth
Rating: PG
Prompt: Shame
Word Count: 193
Summary: The fear was stronger.

It wasn't because Alison was without shame, but rather to felt confident and self-assured that she would not drink too much in front of Beth. To gulp down the stuff in moderation.

Or perhaps, Beth later guessed, Alison just wasn't sure if they were close enough to where Beth wouldn't turn her in if she did something stupid and illegal while drunk, or whether she could 'overlook' that sort of situation.

The word 'friends' might have been over-doing it at first, would have been better described as warm and 'cordial', to say the least.

But, over time, as they called each more frequently, with the threat of masked killers loomed nearer, they had become very close, to the point where Beth could comfort her without feeling awkward when Alison cried over the previous nights inebriation, after yelling at her husband, and feared that her demons were taking over. That her drinking had become, slowly, but steadily worse since she found out there were carbon copies of herself.

But, when they were together, alone, they could almost forget who they were to each other, and the reason they had met in the first place.

author: temari778, fandom: orphan black, drabbletag5

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