Anyone still use this thing?! Anyhoo. I've got Airship Nimbus' RSS Feed going to my G-Reader accnt now, so maybe I'll get up to date on the Lawrence Crew. I'm thinking Steampunk Week-end in August for my B-day. This is an ember of thought in my head. Find me on Facebook for further deatils
I had just written a huge narative about this past weekend and then my phone dropped the connection and lost the whole thing. Rassafraggin sarn tootin thing. Here's a summup!
Patrick Swayze = dead = awwwwww, sad
move went well. Poppa (Judge V to you) helped a ton
still unpacking, and house is starting to return to normal
Soooooooo, what was an influential movie in your youth? Today, let's think about Smokey & The Bandit. The car was cool. Burt Reynolds was as cool as he ever got. The soundtrack was the most listenable country of the time. And Jackie Gleason. 'Nuff said
Drinking vanilla flavored coffee. packing up my house throwing a lot of stuff... Headache from fluorescent lights in the training class... 8hrs of powerpoint presentations is the dumbest idea EVER