3 RPS drabbles. Jensen/Jared. G.

Jul 20, 2007 22:23

Ok, here are the Jsquared drabbles I promised. I have a David/James on as well done and then I need to write Spike/Dean but I think they'll have to wait. Hope that's ok. *smooch*

for verav. 100 words.

In Sickness And In Health

It’s amazing how someone so big can be such a girl when it comes to drinking. In fact most girls Jensen’s known could hold their liquor far better than Jared.

“I’m dyyyy-ing.”

“No, you’re not. Drink this.” He holds out the glass of water, breathing through his mouth to avoid the smell. “You’ll feel better.”

“I’ll never feel good ever again,” Jared groans, rinsing his mouth and spitting into the toilet. He’s got vomit in his hair, his skin is grey and clammy and his t-shirt’s soaked with sweat. Jensen should feel disgusted but if anything he loves him more.

"В болезни и здравии" (Russian translation by wayward_jr

Поразительно, что такой здоровый парень пьет как девчонка. Да большинство знакомых Дженсену девчонок и то могут выпить больше, чем Джаред.

- Я умирааааааю...

- Не выдумывай. Ну-ка, выпей. - Он протягивает стакан воды, стараясь дышать ртом. - Тебе станет лучше.

- Мне уже никогда не станет лучше, - стонет Джаред, прополоскав рот и сплюнув в унитаз. У него рвота в волосах, кожа серая и липкая, а футболка мокрая от пота. По идее, Дженсен должно быть противно, но скорее наоборот - он любит его еще сильнее, если это возможно.

for crazyjoyfulgirl 100 words. Icon by incasink

Smile Like You Mean It

For all his modeling Jensen never really learned how to smile for the camera. It’s forced, like he’d rather be doing his taxes than having his picture taken. No wonder most photo-shoots opt for the cool tortured look. At least that’s real.

But at press conferences he has to smile. Grateful and happy, like he loves meeting his fans. He tries, he really does, but he feels wooden, the presence of hundreds of fangirls suffocating him. He smiles stiffly and they call him a stuck up diva.

But then there’s Supernatural. And Jared.

And suddenly Jensen just can’t stop grinning.

for spangels_girl. 100 words. Her own icon.

Under Your Radar

There’s a saying, ‘When something looks too good to be true, it usually is.’

Jensen’s old enough to know how true that is, which is why he refuses to be sucked in by Jared’s innocent act. He listens for disdain behind Jared’s happy babbling, looks for malice in his honest eyes. He jumps every time Jared touches him, waiting for the punch that never comes.

By the fourth week he’s exhausted, nerves frayed and mind so confused that when Jared pulls him into a hug Jensen just gives in. Finally convinced he looks up and that’s when Jared kisses him.

genre: rps, pairing: jensen/jared, translations: russian, cwrps drabbles, icondrabbles, drabbles, fic 2007

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