(no subject)

Jul 20, 2007 15:31

I'm totally utterly exhausted. Wiped out. Falling over. Dead.

I think I might have overdone it yesterday. By the time I was hitting the submit button I had to blink excessively in order to see what I was writing. Everything was just one big blur.

Woke up with my back killing me and so I couldn't sleep in as late as I wanted. I tried to take a nap around 1 pm and it didn't work. Way too much on my mind.

We're going away tomorrow, for a week, and I have so much I have to do before then. And I can't really think, let alone do anything. The inlaws are taking the kids until tomorrow and I'd been looking forward to some alone time with hubby. The way it looks now I'll either be busy on the computer or snoring on the couch. Much fun I am.

The LJ/6A thing is still pissing me off but I'm staying away from the discussion since of course some morons have been posting HP spoilers in the comments. I'm lucky I didn't get hit with any while I was cruising through them yesterday. Seriously, what's with the stupid? Go get castrated already and spare the world from being inflicted with more of your DNA. [/bitchy rant]

*reads over post*

Man, I AM bitchy. Sorry. Tired Felis=cranky Felis. That's not what I came here for, really. See, I've been enjoying listening to podcasts and so I started wondering if I should try and do one, just as a fun experiment since hubby just bought a dictaphone for his iPod. Of course my accent is probably badbadbad and I'll stumble over words I know how to write but not how to pronounce but hey, I can always try, right? If only to laugh at myself. Question is, which story? Any ideas? If I don't sound like a moron you might even get to hear it eventually. lol

podcasts, rl

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