Highlights and Lowlives of 2006

Jan 03, 2007 17:50

The other side of that Year 2006 In Writing meme

My favorite story this year: I have to choose one? *groans* I know you're supposed to be humble and say everything you write is crap but I actually like my writing. A lot. Hell, I think I'm great! Modesty, what is that? Ok, kidding aside, I think I can find something in almost every story I've written that would make me think, 'Ok, this is my favourite.' And then when I read the next one I'd be liken 'No, wait. This is my favourite.' So I actually have no idea how to choose one. Hmmm...

Let's go with Blackout. Because it allowed me to play with so many ideas in one story. Amnesia, prostitution, guilt, sub/dom, lots of angst and of course Spike and Angel going shopping in the mall which is always fun. *g*

My best story this year: Very hard to say but I think I'll go with Trapped, about Dean's reaction to what happened in In My Time Of Dying. Something about the spider and the fly that really grabs me. All the things it says but aren't written. Something like that. Wow, watch me philosophize about my fic. Again. Pretentious or what?

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I don't know. There was Pleiades. I put a lot of work into it. It was my first big story in the SPN fandom, and it actually had plot and everything. So I was kinda excited about it but very few people seemed to read it, or at least leave feedback.

Then it got mocked as a badfic by someone I actually respected as a writer (not so anymore, because I'm petty like that) and that hurt as hell. Making fun of fic is supposedly innocent and all but frankly it doesn't feel like that. It feels like all the emotions and angst and meaning I poured into it got ridiculed and reduced to something cheap. It feels like shit. And it made me unable to even look at that fic for the longest time. I read it over again last night and yes, I would write some things differently now because now I feel I have a better hang of the characters but I still don't consider it bad writing. I actually think it's pretty good. So there. *sticks out tongue*

Sexiest story: That was hard to find. Seriously, I might call what I write porn but finding any sex in them is like looking for laced panties in a nunnery. But lets go with Blowing Off Steam, Sam/Dean, which actually didn't get that many reviews either. Maybe because it was posted as a drabble even if it's 500 words and so was skipped over by people who don't like drabbles. Maybe because spnnewsletter doesn't link to drabbles and since I have so few SPN people on my flist I couldn't pimp it that way to others. I don't know. I liked it. *shrugs*

Funny thing is, I didn't write it to be hot. It was all about the atmosphere and the crow and the cold autumn air and Sam taking care of Dean. Of course having Sam doing it by blowing Dean probably distracted people from the rest. Hmmmm...

Most fun story: As always hard to decide but lets go with The Ultimate Gay Test or Whether Or Not To Lick Jensen Ackles. Confused, and not to mention drunk, Jared is just so much fun. I'm thinking of doing a followw up to that one for the j2_otpathon

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story: I think I'd have to say A River In Egypt. Think that's the only story I actually regret posting. It's not that it's badly written, it's just that it went way darker than I intended and I don't really see the characters as such fucking bastards. I know it's just fiction but I feel kinda guilty for making them do that. And that I let you read it. Sorry?

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Maybe not shifted my perception so much as made me realise I liked them more than I thought.

Like Connor, never much pictured him with anyone (although some people can write Angel/Connor that just makes me shiver with the delicious wrongness of it all) but I got prompted with a Connor icon and wrote a Spike/Connor drabble called Like Father Like Son and realised that yes, it was actually hot as hell.

And then Chris Kane who I never had much use for and found very difficult to write but I had been reading so much RPS with him over in the SPN fandom so when I wrote Too Old For This Shit he kinda sneaked in and was not only a decent guy but actually got to have a make-out session with Jimmy so yeah, I've definitely had more fondness for him since and he, or rather his character Lindsey, even plays a big part in my current WIP, The Fire Within. He' so likable there I'm having a hard time not dumping Liam altogether and just hooking Spike up with a tiny Texan. lol

Hardest story to write: That would have to be Protect Your Soul. So hard that after posting two chapters early in the year I have been stuck. It's not just because of the subject, which frankly is emotionally draining (the scene when Will breaks down? Still makes me cry) but because I've found myself with five different scenarios of the same chapter and have no idea how to puzzle the pieces together and make it into one good one. That has never happened to me before. I might get stuck with stuff but I'm not usually this confused. That is one story I would like to apologise for. If I'd known this would happen I never would have started posting it.

Biggest surprise: That is definitely Plushophilia. It was just a bit of silliness and I didn't really think many people would be interested in it. Turns out it got the most feedback I've ever gotten for anything. Completely blew me away. Who knew so many people had the hots for Mr. Gordo? *g*

Most unintentionally *telling* story: You know what, I am constantly putting stuff from my own life into my stories. Mostly little things that no one notices. A joke hubby said or a place we've gone to, slightly modified. And when it comes to the sex? All the time. Places they like being licked or sucked, positions, situations, words. If they like it you can be pretty sure I or hubby likes it. Except the bloodplay, that's all Spike and Angel. (I like biting though. *g*) But really I can't pick a single story for that.

A story I want remembered: I think... I'll go with the second part of Five Times Dean Was Saved And One Time He Wasn't which is suicidal Dean in Even God's Simplest Creatures. I don't know why but it really affects me. The way his feelings are so detached from what is happening. Like he's watching himself from the outside and therefor it doesn't touch him. Except of course it does but he's so far gone he doesn't even understand why he's shaking and sweating afterwards. I almost hate John for not realising something is wrong. And Dean for not realising how much he means to both of them. And again John, and Sam, for not realising that is how Dean feels. But mostly I just want Sam to hug the hell out of Dean. Of course he would probably have to drug him first... *g*

I just read this all over again (I've been working on this off and on for almost 20 hours. *headdesk*) and if you haven't fallen asleep with boredom or wandered off with a "God, does she ever shut up?" you're my heroes. lol

fic 2006, writing

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