045// dreams never end [sand in horrible places remix]

Oct 04, 2010 12:46

I'd like to thank everyone who filled in while Bell and I were indisposed, especially considering how busy the Hatchery has been lately. Aside from the sand everywhere, I seem to be no worse off for my experience ( Read more... )

-crimson, like a boss, -youth, responsible adult, -marbles, and the horse you rode in on, sponge bath stat, -lin, -toushi, i need better friends, -bell, idiot men, -cara (krile), don't make me get the leash, pass the dutchie, so many stalkers so little time, -derrick, -gene (lyle), -kazahana, -mindelan, 99 problems

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Comments 156

sting_to_death October 4 2010, 19:52:04 UTC
I can help.


felinemystique October 4 2010, 19:55:55 UTC
No stabbing.


sting_to_death October 4 2010, 19:57:30 UTC


felinemystique October 4 2010, 19:58:50 UTC
Prodding with an edged weapon is still basically stabbing.


of_mindelan October 4 2010, 20:12:24 UTC
It's probably a lot like dogproofing. Drawers that can be locked or tied shut, breakable objects kept out of reach, that sort of thing.


felinemystique October 4 2010, 20:15:45 UTC
He is very much like a puppy, now that you mention it.


of_mindelan October 4 2010, 20:18:26 UTC
Hopefully you don't have to worry about housebreaking or teething.

[Min is not particularly popular with Housekeeping at present. "Better-than-usual at communicating with animals" doesn't mean "instant housebreaker", after all.]


felinemystique October 4 2010, 20:36:04 UTC
It hasn't been a concern so far. Thankfully. That would be more than I could handle.


feathered_earth October 4 2010, 20:32:47 UTC
What about one of those bottles that spritzes water? It works on cats.

[She's not sure she should be joining this conversation but YAY BASTET IS STILL ALIVE so. yeah.]


felinemystique October 4 2010, 20:38:47 UTC
[Cara is welcome to jump in--not the least because Bastet wants as many hideous suggestions on paper as possible for when Crimson finally sees this.]

[Also, this one made her laugh]

Hm~ Maybe I can get them set up on a motion sensor, for whenever he gets too close to something I don't want him touching.


feathered_earth October 4 2010, 20:46:34 UTC
You could probably do that if you get the right kind of machine for it! Or maybe a tripwire.


felinemystique October 4 2010, 22:35:26 UTC
No, it would have to be a motion sensor. He would see a tripwire. I'll have to see if anyone's up for some freelance work...


bloody_pens October 4 2010, 21:16:07 UTC
How about a rolled-up newspaper to thwack him on the snoots?


switching accounts just for this icon goneonenight October 4 2010, 22:38:25 UTC
Ah, the old classic--it's certainly worth considering.


lol bloody_pens October 5 2010, 03:11:16 UTC
Maybe rubbing his nose in it whenever he does something bad, too.


felinemystique October 5 2010, 05:38:42 UTC
I'm sure I can find something to rub his nose in, yeah.


crimsonmischief October 4 2010, 22:22:51 UTC
I put everything back and even fixed some things!


felinemystique October 4 2010, 22:40:32 UTC
When I told you you could use your hands, errand boy, this wasn't quite what I had in mind.

And what was broken, anyway?


crimsonmischief October 4 2010, 22:59:06 UTC
Mentioning such things in public... I see where Lin-chan gets that habit from.

The toaster. And coffee machine.


felinemystique October 4 2010, 23:08:59 UTC
If you took some alternate meaning from my words, that's your own filthy mind at work.

Something was wrong with the coffee machine?


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