Even worse when one has to fit the glasses over regular ones. And if one sits closer to the screen, one has to contend with vertigo and unidentifiable virtual flying objects as well.
I haven't seen any of these, but I will drop a couple bits of commentary anyway ^o^
Re: Avatar - never got around to seeing this - now wondering if it's worth catching even on TV. And I agree with the above poster, I do not like this 3D trend. I am hoping it's just a fad. I can't watch the stuff at all myself.
Re: Alice - I could wish that Hollywood did a little less of the 'reimagining' and a little more of the regular old imagining. I can't even remember when I last saw a truly original film.
Re: The Cove - I haven't heard of this one, what's it about?
[*glomples* I was happy to see a post from you on my friends list! I hope you ahve been keeping well]
Hollywood did a little less of the 'reimagining' and a little more of the regular old imagining
Hear, hear. Not to mention that old disease, 'sequel-itis'.
The Cove is a riveting and unflinching expose of the annual (illegal) covert dolphin (23,000) slaughter that takes place in just one isolated town, Kaiji, in Japan. Won the Oscar for best documentary. By turns depressing, chilling and exciting, and the images stay with one days after leaving the cinema.
[*glomps back* RL has been quite busy, in good and not-so-good ways ._. I hope you've been well yourself!]
Sequels, remakes, adaptations....they're making a Smurfs movie, fer chissakes! Every time I think Hollywood's scraped the bottom of the barrel, they find a new low.
Oh, I think I've heard of that event. An American actress got arrested protesting it a year or two ago, as I recall.
*snuzz* I've been okay. Job is still unfortunate and condo still seems small. I went on a recent trip to Phoenix and San Diego, though, and that was (mostly) fun. I have some awesome photos if you want to see. And a new fandom has eaten my brain completely. Asasssin's Creed 2, if you've heard of that.
IIRC Hayden Panettiere was the one? She was also involved in one of the dives around Kaiji, as part of the group headed by a professional diver who was inspired by Ric O'Barry (dolphin trainer whose conscience was awakened by his work on Flipper)
Yeah, I found Alice in Wonderland was really flat for a Burton, 3D notwithstanding. Even Depp's performance was nothing more or less than what was expected of him. I really expected much More.
Avatar, pfui. Rage-inducing. That much money and talent and time was used to produce a story like this?
Burton's script was rather confused and unfocused - worst of all, had none of the original's sense of, well, wonder. (he was going for a darker tone, but still.)
Comments 14
Even worse when one has to fit the glasses over regular ones. And if one sits closer to the screen, one has to contend with vertigo and unidentifiable virtual flying objects as well.
Re: Avatar - never got around to seeing this - now wondering if it's worth catching even on TV. And I agree with the above poster, I do not like this 3D trend. I am hoping it's just a fad. I can't watch the stuff at all myself.
Re: Alice - I could wish that Hollywood did a little less of the 'reimagining' and a little more of the regular old imagining. I can't even remember when I last saw a truly original film.
Re: The Cove - I haven't heard of this one, what's it about?
[*glomples* I was happy to see a post from you on my friends list! I hope you ahve been keeping well]
Hear, hear. Not to mention that old disease, 'sequel-itis'.
The Cove is a riveting and unflinching expose of the annual (illegal) covert dolphin (23,000) slaughter that takes place in just one isolated town, Kaiji, in Japan. Won the Oscar for best documentary. By turns depressing, chilling and exciting, and the images stay with one days after leaving the cinema.
[*glomps back* RL has been quite busy, in good and not-so-good ways ._. I hope you've been well yourself!]
Oh, I think I've heard of that event. An American actress got arrested protesting it a year or two ago, as I recall.
*snuzz* I've been okay. Job is still unfortunate and condo still seems small. I went on a recent trip to Phoenix and San Diego, though, and that was (mostly) fun. I have some awesome photos if you want to see. And a new fandom has eaten my brain completely. Asasssin's Creed 2, if you've heard of that.
I hope the not-so-good ways get better soon!
trip photos yes plz! ^_^ hope your job gets better soon.
Assasin's Creed - is that where your lovely Renaissance-esque icons are from?
Avatar, pfui. Rage-inducing. That much money and talent and time was used to produce a story like this?
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