So. The kitty used the laptop on my desk as a launching pad last night, it fell off the desk, and the power connector was damaged. So it's in the shop until next week. Ack! What will I do without it?
Well, I've got a busy weekend coming up, so maybe I won't miss it. It'll be good for me, right?
Besides )
Comments 9
I've been very happy with S7. Except for that wedding crapola. Did. Not. Like. I don't visit a lot of sites like I used to. I'm fairly satisfied with a few of the flisties who post reviews and chatter about the boyz. The only spoilery stuff I hear about are casting type things which I don't care knowing about anyway. In fact, most of the casting stuff is pretty cool. Shininess ahead!
I keep saying I'm gonna post more, but I never manage to do it. I've got good things and bad things and pics and shininess and stuff to chat about. *headdesk*
This is what I need to hear. I know there are a few f-listies who are liking the season, but I also now you all are occupied with RL stuff.
Post when you have a chance. I've got a huge bunch of photos I've been meaning to post for months but just haven't had the motivation to do so.
I still like that icon. :-)
I assure you as far as i know there were no real spoilers - like big changes or anything, mostly it's just casting that doesn't bring anything to the plate.
On a lighter note, NEW EPI TOMORROW!!
Anyway . . .
Yes, when I think back to how much I enjoyed the early seasons, a HUGE part of that was, I think, because I wasn't in the fandom. I had one person I talked about the show with, and we would talk and talk and talk and talk. Somewhere along the line, that got lost. C'est la vie, I guess.
The desire to complain just thrives on the internet. It's one of the reasons I feel like withdrawing for a while.
And yes, NEW EPI! I spoiled myself by looking at publicity stills, but I'm very intrigued as to what will unfold.
Okay back on can stay in fandom, just hang out in the corner with those of us who aren't negative Nellies. :)
New eppie tonight! \o/
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