So. The kitty used the laptop on my desk as a launching pad last night, it fell off the desk, and the power connector was damaged. So it's in the shop until next week. Ack! What will I do without it?
Well, I've got a busy weekend coming up, so maybe I won't miss it. It'll be good for me, right?
Besides )
Why not discuss the show with people if I still like it? It's because there are very few people who are still excited about the show to talk about it with. The people that I normally would actively talk about the show with aren't on-line much anymore* (real life things going on). And those who are still on line talking about the show, most of the conversations I see are people who don't like it anymore (or certainly give me that impression) and spend a lot of their time outlining why they don't like the show anymore. For someone (like me) who sees something to be excited about to go to a conversation thread and read how stupid/terrible/unfair/etc. something is . . . it's not conducive to sharing my "Oh, that was great!" reaction anywhere other than my own journal. At this point, it just makes me think, "Meh. I liked it, they hated it, there's nothing to talk about." (I've had someone basically call me stupid for the way I viewed some things that have happened on the show. I don't remember the exact wording, but it was something along the lines of "If you think that was a positive example or good relationship, you're an idiot." Yeah, that doesn't really make me want to engage in conversation.
I expect that as hiatus progresses, more and more projected plot spoilers are going to start floating around. As it is, casting spoilers aren't necessarily a big thing, but "Actor/Actress XYZ will be on the show as thus-and-so character," that's more than I want to have put in front of me this far ahead of time.
I don't know if that made any sense. I'm tired and rambling. But that's where my fannish brain is right now.
*Ficwriter being an exception. She and I have had some good conversations about the show. But she's got real life stuff going on, too.
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