Me, trying to help (with apologies to far greater writers)

Jan 20, 2016 16:51

Me: *Reads post asking for contest tiebreaker voting*

Me: *Happily votes to break tie*
Me: *Is shown that my vote produced a tie*
Me: *headdesk ( Read more... )

authors, thoughtful or pointless or both, based on a true story of my life, parody

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Comments 32

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feliciacraft January 21 2016, 04:04:21 UTC
Hee. Thanks! :P


red_satin_doll January 21 2016, 03:24:20 UTC
*Is shown that my vote produced a tie*

But of course one hopes that the voting will not be decided by the one vote, that it will be a gathering of votes, and someone else will add to yours like bricks on a house (and oh boy is this babble-fest going nowhere.) When it comes to icontests I actually feel strange if I either win or loose by one vote, but icontests I'm in have so few voters that it often comes down to that. Anyhoo, the fact that you voted and participated is much appreciated. (I don't even know what contest we're talking about but I do appreciate voters.)

Your parodies are wonderful - my favorites are Salinger, Dickens, Wharton and Woolf. The Dickens passage is SO well-known and iconic that your little twist is wonderfully witty!


feliciacraft January 21 2016, 04:12:57 UTC
Thankfully, I'm pretty sure my vote won't be the last vote, as it will remain open for a while yet. It was just funny to me because I was avoiding necessary work, and when I'm avoiding work everything else is funnier and more interesting and inspiring me to write things. :)

Glad you enjoyed the parodies! Kurt Vonnegut and Ford Madox Ford are included verbatim because, well, their quotes apply to the situation so well. :)


red_satin_doll January 21 2016, 07:51:13 UTC
Two more people have voted since you did and - it's still a tie *lol*

I actually had a very hard time choosing and as far as I'm concerned they're equally good. I suspect they might be by the same person anyway.


feliciacraft January 21 2016, 08:48:13 UTC
It's probably not a big deal in the end. I'm sure if it still looks like a tie as the tiebreaker voting closes, then they've both won. :)


rahirah January 21 2016, 04:10:24 UTC
Bwah! This is the funniest post I've read all week. :)


feliciacraft January 21 2016, 04:15:36 UTC
OMG thank you!!! That is the highest compliment, ever! :) Can I print out your comment and frame it??? :P


sparrow2000 January 21 2016, 04:17:28 UTC
Very funny. I especially loved the Dickens and the Joyce! *g*


feliciacraft January 21 2016, 06:12:38 UTC
Hee! Glad you found it amusing! Dickens had so many quotable opening sentences I had a hard time limiting it to one. :P


rahirah January 21 2016, 04:21:52 UTC
It's yours to do with as you will!


feliciacraft January 21 2016, 06:22:39 UTC
Behold! :P

... )


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