That was my (almost) FIRST year in fandom?!? Feels like I've known all of you FOREVER!!! :)

Dec 31, 2015 21:42

Oh, Memory, you fickle, tricky thing, you.

I was just thinking dejectedly about my fandom output in 2015 not measuring up to my "previous" prolific achievements, when a quick review of my posting history on LJ and elsewhere reminded me that, HELLO! - this very account was only created on Feb 17, 2015! What? No way! WHAT?!?!?? And then it's all ( Read more... )

btvs, year in review, meta, fandom discussion, writing, master list, meme

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Comments 18

goldenusagi January 1 2016, 20:33:51 UTC
Looks like you've had a very good year!


feliciacraft January 3 2016, 09:36:49 UTC
Wish I'd been further along on my WIP, but I'm proud to have come this far! :)


slaymesoftly January 1 2016, 21:57:06 UTC
Hmmmm Pretty sure I haven't seen all of these. Something to do over the weekend!


feliciacraft January 3 2016, 09:38:09 UTC
Some of them were just drabbles or things even I'd forgot about. :P


double_dutchess January 1 2016, 23:44:47 UTC
I know exactly how you feel. I started out on LJ less than 2 months before you, and have had a very similar experience.

I'm really impressed with your output. I'm skipping the WIPs until they're finished (sorry) but I see that somehow I managed to overlook a few of your shorts. I intend to remedy that as soon as I can, as your work is simply not to be missed!

(sorry, corrected a typo)


feliciacraft January 3 2016, 09:40:52 UTC
Thank you so much! I love your artwork. Our fandom really is the best, isn't it? (And I have an aversion to WIPs as well, so I totally understand.)


The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, December 31 - Friday, January 1 livejournal January 2 2016, 04:58:13 UTC
User rahirah referenced to your post from The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, December 31 - Friday, January 1 saying: [...] 2015 Master Fic Post [...]


katleept January 21 2016, 00:09:54 UTC
Congrats on making one Hell of a introductory splash into the life of fandom!! I had no idea you were such a new writer! It's been a pleasure getting to know you during your first year, and I'm glad something good came out of 2015. *HUGS*


feliciacraft January 21 2016, 07:34:25 UTC
Thank you! *hugs you back* I'm glad to made a new friend in you. And here's to a wonderful (and productive) 2016! :)


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