That was my (almost) FIRST year in fandom?!? Feels like I've known all of you FOREVER!!! :)

Dec 31, 2015 21:42

Oh, Memory, you fickle, tricky thing, you.

I was just thinking dejectedly about my fandom output in 2015 not measuring up to my "previous" prolific achievements, when a quick review of my posting history on LJ and elsewhere reminded me that, HELLO! - this very account was only created on Feb 17, 2015! What? No way! WHAT?!?!?? And then it's all coming back to me: It was on Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 2015, that I posted my first ever Buffyverse fanfic, a Spuffy episode rewrite, "New Territory", to Elysian Fields, as a Valentine to my favorite couple. It's also the first fanfiction I've ever posted publically. All told, I'm not yet a yearling in fandom participation. But because you wonderful people have welcomed me with arms wide open I feel like I've been part of this Buffyverse family FOREVER! THANK YOU!!! AND HAPPY 2016! (That totally deserved caps.)


And I did a rough tally. My 2015 posted fanfic total word count is...69,305!! Not too shabby for a hobby. :P

(What did I do WITH MY LIFE prior to that???)

Here's my Buffyverse Fannish Year in Review (Links to AO3 whenever available, otherwise LJ):
Chaptered Fiction

- Edge of Sorrow, Heart of Truth (Buffy/Spike, Ensemble, OC; Mature overall, WIP; Length: 47100):

  1. All My Days Are Trances (2015-03-27)
  2. Not in Old Heroic Traces (2015-04-03)
  3. On the Shore of the Wide World (2015-04-12)
  4. I Am Not Resigned (2015-04-23)
  5. What Doth Strengthen and What Maim (2015-05-08)
  6. One Link in the Chain of Destiny (2015-05-15)
  7. Source of My Virtues and My Crimes 2015-06-02)
  8. Boldness Be My Friend (2015-06-09)
  9. Long Days of Labour, and Nights Devoid of Ease (2015-09-20)
  10. Folly Is An Endless Maze (2015-10-09)
  11. To Do Me Due Delight (2015-10-15)
  12. The Figure of Our Being Less Than Two (2015-12-16)
  13. What Daylight Never Showed To Me (2015-12-25, Mature)
  14. Bonus "Look-ahead" chapter beyond Chapter 13: The Passage of Time (Mature; Length: 1359)
- What Lay Onward and What Behind (Buffy/Spike, Ensemble, OC; Mature, WIP - I will finish...; Length: 3507):

  1. Chapter 1 (2015-06-01)

Short Fiction (1000+ words)

- The "New Territory" Trilogy (Buffy/Spike, Willow; Complete):

  1. "New Territory" (Teen; Length: 2362)
  2. "Cold Light of Day" (Teen; Length: 2178)
  3. "Enough" (Mature; Length: 2870)

- "Here and Now" (Buffy/Spike; Length: 2444, Mature)

- "A Rare Find" (Buffy/Spike, Buffy&Dawn; Length: 1000, Teen)

- "Shopping for Presents on the Hellmouth" (Giles, Buffy; Length: 1003, G)

- "The Newest Potential" (Dawn, OC; Length: 1241, G)

Ficlets and Drabbles (< 1000 words)

- "Wishbone" (Spike&Dawn, Spike/Buffy; Length: 901, G)

- "This Moment" (Willow, mentions Willow/Tara; Length: 663, G)
- "A Glimpse of the Life of a Latchkey Kid" (Spike&Dawn; Length: 577, G)

- "A Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich for Dawn" (Spike&Dawn; Length: 100, PG)

- "Lust at First Sight" (Giles, OC; Length: 572, PG)

- "Arrival" (Giles; Length: 490, G)

- "The Watcher's Night Off" (Giles; Length: 340, G)

- "Old Habits" (Buffy/Spike; Length: 100, R)

- "Those Words" (Buffy/Spike; Length: 100, PG)

- "William's Dream" (Giles; Length: 100, G)

- "A Watcher's Duty" (Giles; Length: 100, G)

- "Slayer’s Dilemma" (Giles, Buffy, Xander; Length: 100, G)

- "A Comeback" (Giles, Quentin Travers; Length: 100, PG)

Meta on LiveJournal (Sorting out my meta posts on Tumblr will require some work)

- "Fanon Element: The Orgasmic Vampire Bite" (NC-17)

- "The Vampiric Claim"

- Random Thoughts on the First Two Episodes ("Welcome to the Hellmouth" and "The Harvest")

- "Reading 'Stay' - Accidental Fanmail to Anaross"

Fandom News & Discussion

- James-Gazing at the San Jose Wizard World Comic Con

- What makes a fandom popular?

btvs, year in review, meta, fandom discussion, writing, master list, meme

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