Title: The Things We Lost (12/?)
Author: Babette
babettew54Category: Smallville (AU)
Characters: Lois/Clark/Kal-El, Tess/Oliver, Lex
Rating: T
Summary: Lois and Clark must accept the cruel reality of their separation as they try to get back what they had lost.
Word Count: 2,600
Spoilers: Dominion (10.19)
Disclaimer: DC Comics, Warner Bros. Entertainment
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Comments 15
I love the line... Everything that was lost ... was found.
Beautiful! We need all that was lost BACK badly. So thank you for giving it to us.
Awww, yes they found it all again! Clois rawks.
Yes, we needed it BADLY!! Too bad the show left out a few things. I hope to clear it ALL up in the epilogue this weekend!:D:D
The show did leave out a few things, wtf!
Thankfully, the fans are here to solve those things.
Did you see this vid?
Oh, I've never seen that one before. I recognize Tollie of course, and I've seen Hart of Dixie and Vampire Diaries. But those others, not familiar with those shows. I liked the video, excellent editing.
Oh, I also recognized Buffy because well, who doesn't!?:D
Absolutely LOVE this new chapter!
Well done hon!
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