Title: The Things We Lost (12/?)
Author: Babette
babettew54Category: Smallville (AU)
Characters: Lois/Clark/Kal-El, Tess/Oliver, Lex
Rating: T
Summary: Lois and Clark must accept the cruel reality of their separation as they try to get back what they had lost.
Word Count: 2,600
Spoilers: Dominion (10.19)
Disclaimer: DC Comics, Warner Bros. Entertainment
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I love the line... Everything that was lost ... was found.
Beautiful! We need all that was lost BACK badly. So thank you for giving it to us.
Awww, yes they found it all again! Clois rawks.
Yes, we needed it BADLY!! Too bad the show left out a few things. I hope to clear it ALL up in the epilogue this weekend!:D:D
The show did leave out a few things, wtf!
Thankfully, the fans are here to solve those things.
Did you see this vid?
Oh, I've never seen that one before. I recognize Tollie of course, and I've seen Hart of Dixie and Vampire Diaries. But those others, not familiar with those shows. I liked the video, excellent editing.
Oh, I also recognized Buffy because well, who doesn't!?:D
I've written like...4 chapters to my Tollie/Lexana fic, which I'm still graphically re-editing, and I know the ending, but the middle is just being a brat. Still, it's not the most horrible fic. Trying to incorporate love scenes into it though is proving to be a challenge, lol.
Tell me about it. Love scenes are the worst, and if they weren't 'essential' to my stories, I'd leave them out, but then where would my stories be without that??!! *giggles*
But I'm sure it'll all come together for you! Just give it time, and then it will happen! :D
Who wrote Smallville?? Come on, they just didn't get it, did they? Like I said, all of their 'lovemaking' took place off-camera away from the fans who had to wait 'eons' for a kiss! *grrrrrr*
Resolve that tension, people!!! :D:D *LOL*
That's why I so loved L&C in the 90s. They knew how to kiss, how to get it started and how to finish it..! Damn, I miss them! :D
Anyhoo, I can understand these shows that drag it out forever for what we know is inevitable... I get it, but come on..! I know it's the 8:00 hour and all, but really Smallvilie, way to tease the fans and drive us up a wall!! And to top it off, we never really got that 'big one' did we? *SMH* *lol* :D:D
*argh*!! *giggles*
Off to bed! Night hon! :D
My 'Crimson' icon was another time they kissed and 'meant' it!! Man, there were just too many letdowns of our ship in that department. Oh well, I really wish they would do another Lois and Clark series, but it's a pipe dream, I know.
I am dream, can't I??! :D
And being that at that point (and sometimes even now) I am WAY not on Oliver's fanbase and certainly not Lollie, I was thinking GO CLARK KENT ON REDK!!!
So I freaking love that episode.
Anyway, yes, no idea why Lois and Clark couldn't make out more often and more passionately in S10. It was at times like they weren't even a couple which is SO wrong because when they weren't a couple, THEY WERE LIKE A COUPLE!
Pardon me, I get irritated.
Anyway, made more progress on the video! *yay!*
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