Title: The Things We Lost (4/?)
Author: Babette
babettew54Category: Smallville (AU)
Characters: Lois/Clark/Kal-El, Tess, Oliver, Lex
Rating: T
Summary: Lois and Clark must accept the cruel reality of their separation as they try to get back what they had lost.
Word Count: 2,900
Spoilers: Dominion (10.19)
Disclaimer: DC Comics, Warner Bros. Entertainment
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Comments 18
Thanks again for reading! :D
I love how in character this is of the 10th season where Clark is a little calmer with Tess than Oliver. In seasons 8-9, Oliver was more easily on Tess's side (Hence Kandor, for example) but then he got a knot in his pants and it was like he reverted into a 12-year-old boy who didn't want anyone to know he had a crush on the popular, controversial girl.
So, I love that.
I also love Clark and Oliver's conversation about Lois's "dating". Lois would OF COURSE be dating someone. She's one of the most beautiful women ever and she likes dating. She likes dating more than any other woman on the show---she's good at it in that she attracts men with her very open personality, though she often attracts jerks ( ... )
I was VERY tempted to give Tess a 'new man' but decided against it. Emil came to mind!! *LOL* Oliver would have definitely lost his mind then!! *lol*
On another subject, a DI commenter just brought of Chloe and why she hasn't been mentioned yet. She will be mentioned in the next chapter and again in Chapter 6. I hope it will satisfy her.
Clark is very determined (ballsy Clark), you know I love him like that.
Thanks hon! :D *hugs*
Oh, yes, I agree. Clark standing up, making his own decisions (without Chloe telling him what to do), yeah, that's sexy and HOT!
*lol* I know you can't wait until I mention her, right!?? It will be brief (in both chapters). You'll see! :D
I'm sending you a p-m! :D
Clark will be in action real soon now!! Don't doubt our guy! :D
Thank you so much for sticking around, and thanks for letting me know your thoughts! :D:D
Thanks hon for coming over! :D
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