Title: The Things We Lost (4/?)
Author: Babette
babettew54Category: Smallville (AU)
Characters: Lois/Clark/Kal-El, Tess, Oliver, Lex
Rating: T
Summary: Lois and Clark must accept the cruel reality of their separation as they try to get back what they had lost.
Word Count: 2,900
Spoilers: Dominion (10.19)
Disclaimer: DC Comics, Warner Bros. Entertainment
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I love how in character this is of the 10th season where Clark is a little calmer with Tess than Oliver. In seasons 8-9, Oliver was more easily on Tess's side (Hence Kandor, for example) but then he got a knot in his pants and it was like he reverted into a 12-year-old boy who didn't want anyone to know he had a crush on the popular, controversial girl.
So, I love that.
I also love Clark and Oliver's conversation about Lois's "dating". Lois would OF COURSE be dating someone. She's one of the most beautiful women ever and she likes dating. She likes dating more than any other woman on the show---she's good at it in that she attracts men with her very open personality, though she often attracts jerks ( ... )
I was VERY tempted to give Tess a 'new man' but decided against it. Emil came to mind!! *LOL* Oliver would have definitely lost his mind then!! *lol*
On another subject, a DI commenter just brought of Chloe and why she hasn't been mentioned yet. She will be mentioned in the next chapter and again in Chapter 6. I hope it will satisfy her.
Clark is very determined (ballsy Clark), you know I love him like that.
Thanks hon! :D *hugs*
Oh, yes, I agree. Clark standing up, making his own decisions (without Chloe telling him what to do), yeah, that's sexy and HOT!
*lol* I know you can't wait until I mention her, right!?? It will be brief (in both chapters). You'll see! :D
I'm sending you a p-m! :D
And I know! I can only throw up so many times, please no Tess/Emil. None of Lois sleeping with Oliver or Grant, (or AC for that matter, ewww!) but you could put Tess or Lois with say Bruce or Hal, those could work. You know, like...worthy men. And I liked Hawkman too, wtf did they kill him for?
Well that, "without Chloe telling him what to do". That is exactly what she did. In my fic, I try to give her a life of her own, outside of being Clark's side kick and Lana's best friend and Lois's cousin. She needed her own identity and I hope I give her one. :)
Yeah, the writers kept Lois away from Watchtower for some reason, even after she fould out the truth (well, of course, she couldn't be there before that)! But yeah, I got that vibe too.
Tess was in her element at Watchtower, no question, and I loved that about her. That was the turning point in their relationship. We wanted more for them, but it was not to be... *stoopid writers ... grrrrrr*
Yes, yes, yes, sounds perfect for Chloe. She needed that, and it took the final minutes of the series for the writers to finally wake up and get her far away from Smallville, far away from Oliver... *bye Chloe*!! :D:D
Hahaha, totally laughed at that. TRUE! She's grumpy! It's so funny because Tess is so threatening sometimes but Cassidy's such a big goofball that that's effected Tess's "threatening power" and now I kinda do more of a "awww, it's Tess!" when before I saw Cassidy I was like, "I would not wanna meet this bitch in a dark alley." LOL, you know?
I know! Why wasn't Lois included more? Hell, why wasn't Oliver included more? When the hell did this become the Clark and Tess show? I love them both, but no swapping!
*yes yes, my big opinions*
You know that's true, especially toward the back-end. It was very distracting. We know now what the writers were doing, building toward that crazy finale, but at the expense of Clois? That was not a good idea.
Cassidy was just phenominal in the series. I truly enjoyed her final scenes on the show. I must find that episode of her from last night. Do you normally watch CSI-NY? I don't..
Sorry I passed out last night... I guess it was around 10:00 just before your email arrived...
She looked like a giant little girl with the outfit she had on. She was precious!
I don't know if you've realized it yet, but in this story both Lois and Tess work for Lex. I swear I didn't plan it that way ... it just happened! No one has mentioned that.. !!:D
I personally just constantly want them playing the "alpha females" of Lois and Tess forever. Erica's good at the strength and quirky humor and the layers she had in Seasons 4-8, and Cassidy playing a woman with so many layers and also kick ass, I swear, where's our new show with Erica, Cassidy, Justin and Tom? We need a campaign!
And I love the way your mind thinks if you had Lois & Tess working for Lex. I love them kicking ass or experiencing things that could bring them closer together.
So I am deeply looking forward to more!
Please ladies, don't compromise on your careers with roles that are beneath you.
That doesn't make me happy. That eppy of CSI-NY should be up by now... goes to look for it!
Yes, I agree, both of them working for Lex hasn't compromised what they believe in and what they're trying to accomplish. Go, ladies!! :D
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