So the producers do intend to force Arthur/Gwen

Apr 30, 2009 23:38

Australia's Channel TEN just put up three clips of an interview with one of Merlin's producers - Johnny Capps. If you're in Australia or you use a proxy server, you can watch the video here. Warning: Arhur/Gwen fans, you may not want to continue to read some of the comments in this post.

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Comments 15

octoberamethyst May 1 2009, 04:41:11 UTC
.... Stupid producer ....

Yes Guinevere and Arthur were married. But most texts say it was a bethrothal and not some, madly in love, true love for all eternity thing. Guinevere is most known for her affair with Lancelot and the downfall of Camelot, not her marriage to Arthur.

Though it is a family show ...

I'm not intrigued either after 13 episodes and no chemistry.

I think that making her a servant was a ploy from the writers at the beginning. They mentioned the round table and equal among society... What would be more equal than the Prince falling in love and marrying a servant? That surely is equality amongst all society for a commoner to marry royalty. I think that's where they're going with the whole Guinevere a servant girl.

Sadly, the producers of this show don't have a remarkable history with tv series. Disconnected got dropped after one episode (though that had to do with real life events...) and the previous ones to that only made it into two seasons. (though I hear Merlin has been picked up for a total of 3


feilongfan May 1 2009, 06:34:02 UTC
TPTB has its own agenda. Only time will tell if their ideas will materialize.


estioe May 1 2009, 05:20:37 UTC
Yeah, I saw those, which made me automatically think that the love will be on Arthur's part and not Gwen's (because she's totally in love with Lancelot).

Either way, I agree, I'm not really interested or looking forward for the eventual Arthur/Gwen. I like Gwen and Arthur as individual characters, but not as a "true love" pairing. Heck, Arthur/Morgana and Merlin/Gwen ring more true to me.


feilongfan May 1 2009, 05:57:28 UTC
Did you remember how many times Merlin said he is not in love with Gwen in Series 1? I think they have already ruled out Merlin/Gwen. And since they're pushing Arthur/Gwen, and porbably they will turn Morgana into a baddie, so I don't see Arthur/Morgana either. Personally, I quite like Arthur/Morgana dynamic.


estioe May 1 2009, 14:19:02 UTC
Oh yeah, I remember! Hehe. I was just trying to point out that if it was between Arthur/Gwen and Merlin/Gwen, Merlin/Gwen would make more sense, etc, etc to me. Arthur/Morgana, I don't think that was ever intended to go anywhere. Just lots and lots of teenage flirting, which got annoying after a few times.

My personal het pairing is Merlin/Morgana, to be honest. I obviously don't think anything is going to happen between those two in the series, but I dunno, I like that pairing. Its the ONLY het pairing I can read/believe/stomach. /ends mini-het rant.


sezso May 1 2009, 05:37:09 UTC
I can not understand at all why they are pushing this (And I'm not even saying that as a Merlin/Arthur girl). They said it was to be faithful to the legend, which this really ISN'T. From what I know of the legends, Gwen and Arthur NEVER had eyes for each other, it was a political match. Hmph.

I hope someone asks the producers what it means for their precious equality that AFTER their Arthur falls in love with their Gwen and he raises her up to nobility, she then proceeds to betray him with his best knight. Unless they cut Lancelot out of it entirely, and how are they paying homage to the legends, THEN?


feilongfan May 1 2009, 06:31:27 UTC
I doubt this show will have that longevity.


sallyna_smile May 1 2009, 07:48:58 UTC
goshhhhh is should be 5 seasonssss.. there's plenty of timeeee, just don't push it, it would be idiotic !!


osolone May 1 2009, 10:56:17 UTC
Hmmmm. You know what I think they're trying to do here? They want to give the show the same sort of appeal as Doctor Who and they want the same sort of audience-grabbing romance potential between Arthur/Gwen as The Doctor/Rose had, which kept people glued to their screens. I know The Doctor/Rose was not really an *intentional* pairing, but it just worked out, to the point where they HAD to end Rose's story on a kiss-and-happy-ever-after note. They want to do the same with Merlin, thinking it will draw in the (female) fans. Story of a working class girl who gets swept off her feet by a dashing alien/dashing prince ( ... )


feilongfan May 1 2009, 13:39:05 UTC
Speaking of Merlin sold to NBC, it's another story. NBC's original scripted shows did poorly recently, and the production cost is high. In American, the average production cost of one episode is 3 Million US Dollars, plus the cost of producing a pilot (pilot may never been picked up). Therefore NBC decided to buy shows from other countire. Merlin was pre-sold NBC, which means, when Merlin was sold to NBC, the show was still in production. They didn't know Colin's Merlin and Bradley's Arthur had that much chemistry. Haha!


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