So Happy That I Could Cry, What A Beautiful Surprise!

Nov 01, 2013 16:35

The last two weeks have been very good to me! And I have nothing but extreme gratefulness for E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G!

I could see myself smiling everytime I kept on replaying events on my head.

1. Weddings, FamBam and Crazy Friends.
      The only reason why I got home this mid-October was to attend high school friends’ wedding. I was supposed to go home exactly as Nanay’s birthday on the 1st of November, but plans have changed and airfares have gone up so I have no other choice but to spend two days leave, two weeks before her big day.

But nevertheless, those ultimate four days were still best as ever!

Friday was a fambam lunchout and chill day. Then dinner @ Yabu with the BFFs.

Saturday was the high school friends’ wedding complete with a whole bunch of laughter for -- (a) our poor driving skills and how we hassled everyone else (b) the couple’s presentation during the reception were all adapted from our high school foundation day presentations!

Sunday was another fambam lunchout. Dinner @ our favorite Try Mo Shawarma Ko in Lagro with The Friendships.

Monday was lousing around the house doing absolutely nothing but wait for my flight back to SG ~~ the life!!!

2. Hope for everything. Expect nothing. ISQTB Result after almost a month of waiting game. Thank You, Lord! :)

3. Possible Work Opportunity Somewhere Else. I think I forgot to mention that there is this some kind of job drive that’s going to happen here in SG to fly you off to somewhere else. And yes, I “secretly” applied for that! After passing my unpolished resume (because when I read it now, my work responsibilities from past company has the same wordings with that of my present company! Toinks! Stupidity strikes again!). Yes, I still did pass that ‘trashy cv’ and luckily, I was shortlisted for an exam in which time and place are yet to be announced.

To make the long story short, I applied for it almost two months ago and was relentlessly praying that somehow they would send an update or whatever. Lo and behold, I received an email a day after the ISQTB results that they finally have a date for the exam! Consecutive good news in a row! Yahoo!!!

So yes, I will be back studying the Foundation Level materials soon and burn eyebrows again night after night for that BIG thing.

Imagine what you would like to see happen, and then don't do anything to make it impossible.

4. New work machine. I finally got my new laptop for work after what? Four loooooong years?!
I’m still having this separation anxiety feeling with my old machine which has been reformatted for a couple of times. I owe a lot to that lappy. It has been with me since I started March 2010 and had run fast and slow with all the abuse it had been through. I created and edited a lot of videos in it! I had lots of blog drafts in it, so does pictures and downloaded mp3s. CVs from version 0 to version 3 were all saved there - all differ for every employee. Haha!

We’ve been through lots of ups and downs. And up to now, I still can’t let it go. Well, I have a week more to transfer ALL my files from the old to the new. It’s like what you do with life, you retain your old self and try to do a resize. It’s like having an upgraded version of you. That’s life anyway, you have to let go of the old to make yourself better moving forward. ;)

5. 2.5% Increase.

This is the another good news by midweek. It’s smaller compared to when I am still in the agency. I was thinking that perhaps if I am still contractual, I could’ve haggled for a larger increase. But come to think of it, at least there’s something instead of having none at all. My manager said that it would be effective October 1st, so technically, I should be getting twice that value the Nov 23rd pay to cover for the October one.

Still, Thank You, God! :)

6. Everyone grows old, even your folks do. It’s Nanay’s 61st birthday today and sadly both me my brother won’t be home to celebrate it with her. But still happy as ever, because there were lots of friends and relatives who passed by our house to greet her. The Friendships even went and bought her a cake on our behalf. I wish nothing but the best for her, more blessings, heaps of good health and many more birthdays to come. And hopefully, we’ll be celebrating those golden years together as a whole fambam, hmmmm somewhere where the grass is greener?!

7. Halloween Night of Horrors. Who’s up for a bag of popcorn and a cover pillow while watching a scary film tonight?

8. Public Holiday means long weekend! I won’t be detailing much about this because this is #supersecret but just to give a clue, yes, it’s satisfying the itchy-feet syndrome again :)

There’s nothing more I can say but SUPER THANK YOU!!!

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