DISNEY LEGACY 1.2 (english)

Jun 08, 2014 14:28

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Comments 2

morgibritt June 12 2014, 15:58:08 UTC
Yay Belle has eyes! And glowing vampire ones at that! I find it so interesting that the the "Commitment Issues" trait in English translates from Italian to "Difficult to Engage" haha. It makes sense that phrases like that will be different, but idk I just find it so fascinating haha! Also what is the governed trait that Belle has? Is it the Disciplined trait that came with World Adventures with the martial arts skill?
Great update, looking forward to the next!


federica_300691 June 12 2014, 17:17:00 UTC
Thankyou morgibritt!!! Yes it's Disciplined, I just missed the translation ^_^ (awkard since in italian is "Disciplinato" so similar!!!)
I'm reading your Instagram Legacy and I'll comment soon (I just have to catch up with the updates so I can comment on the latest one ^_^ )
Thankyou so much for reading!!


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