DISNEY LEGACY 1.2 (english)

Jun 08, 2014 14:28

Hi everybody!! I'm back and ready to post a quite long updating with a lot of news ^_^
You find all under the cut !! Enjoy!

Ps: this pictures is not really important to the story but it was so cute thet I choose it for the cover of this chapter =)

So.. we left Ari and Derrik spoonign =)

Ari wakes up early to prepare breakfast , yes this is part of her plan (even if I'm not shure if it is a really good idea),
10) prepare Derrik's breakfast or at least  threaten him with breakfast

Derrik doesn't seem to appreciate Ari efforts -.-''

But at in sceond attempt Ari manages to make him sit at the table with her
Ari: how are the pancakes?

Derrik's face explains everythings...
Ari are you going to kill a vampire with pancakes? 0_0  I imagine it's a original alternative to the stake through the heart and Silver Bullets ^_^'''

False allarm, thanks God!!! (I don't wanna search for another genes donor for my kids)

11) more kissing <3<3<3


113) more fiki fiki (it never hurts ^_^)

114) Try with the fateful question for the thousandth Third time... finger cross

YES!!!! HE SAID YES!!!!!!!!! I was losing hope but he said YESSSSS!!!!

image Click to view

ok.. sorry for the nationalist video but I wanna something to celebrate! After all Derrik said yes, and it was NOT simple!!
And now that football World Cup is beginning, I think it is the right subject (yes I know the last World Cup the winner was Spain, but after all I'm italian, so I post the video of the 2006 World Cup ^_^''' )

Let's return to Ari and Derrik ..
Derrik moves in!!
His traits are:
Sence of humor
bookworm (loves read)
and of course DIFFICULT TO ENGAGE!!

LTW: reach the level 5 of 4 different careers

Now Derrik lives here, he has a very easy way to drink ...

..drink from Ari, who is so falled in love that does not think anymore ^_^''


Ar: ok <3<3<3

I love this expression...

.. and this one even more >_<

Derrik reads Ari's mind...

and finds out that all Ari thinks about is.. HIM <3<3<3

Soon Derrik decides to turn into a "vegetarian" vampire, now he drinks plasma juice =)

Come on Ari!! It's not so bad!! Does blood make you feel seek?

NO! Ari is PREGNANT   ^_^  YEAH!!! generation 2 in coming!!!

Since i thinks it will be a little girl  (because I made Ari eate a lot of whatermelon)
I've already

Halloween is arrived and Derrik affects the pumpkin

The next day Ari and Derrik go tto the Autumn Festival

And Ari decides to visit the haunted hause
Ari Are you shure?? You are pregnant, do you really think itìs a good idea?
Ari: shure, no problems !!

Then when she came out she was scared to death
Told tou.. -.-'''

Ari: let's have some food to push through the fear!!
but what the hell it has to do with this???

She's so cute with that hyge belly, walking like a duck ^_^

meanwhile Derrik is having a competition in this activity whose I don't know the name ^_^

And than..
water breaks!!
Baby is arriving!!!

Let's run to the hospital!!

And it's a pleasure to present you Belle! (from beauty and the beast ^_^)

Unforunally Belle has'nt got eyes!!! 0_0
I think it's a bug of the game, or at least I hope that this will change by growing up..

Ari loves Belle..

And so does Derrik <3<3<3

A tipicall dinner at Disney house ^_^

Ari: but how can you drink that? Plasma orange juice?

But despite the discussions about the food, Ari and Derrik are finally a beautyfull couple <3<3<3

They look at the stars...

He gives her flowers..

They cuddle all the time

so sweet... and then one night...

This expression is priceless!! I love it so much! Ari is the best!!!

And she keeps having the surprised face for all the duration of proposal ^_^

Derrik is very confident about her reply ^_^''


Ari still can't believe it's true!!


Celebrations =)

And Derrik is happy about the engangement,.. Sorry man, wasn't you a  DIFFICULT TO ENGAGE sim?
however, better that way ^_^

In all these, Ari never forgets about the new light of her eyes: Belle ^_^

She also reads a lot of book about children to be a good mum =)

And now the big final of this chapter....

Since Ari and Derrik have no friends, they marry without a big celebration, only they two on the terrace, looking at the sea, while was snowing...

Ari: now you are mine man!!! stiìuck here for life!!!!

First married night =)

And before leaving you, I post some picture of Belle (that becames a toddler without a decent birthday party)

I find her so cute, she is a vampire, has Ari's eyes and skin and Derrik's hair, her traits are friendly and governed ^_^
Well that's all , at last Ari stucked Derrik and we have a goodloking heir (at least she sems so.. we will see when she'll grow up)

See you next updating!!!! Kisses

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