Title: Bonds of Water (14/20)
faynia and
stormypupPairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: R
Word Count: 3000
Genre: Romance, Angst, Drama
Summary: Harry has never been entranced by music before now, but he is willing to do anything to learn how to play the same melody.
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Previous Chapters:
Chapter One Chapter Thirteen (
Chapter Fourteen )
Comments 24
I trust it's needless to say that this is a wonderful chapter. Thank you.
The story is coming together now, *sniff* I keep thinking that that flying between Ron and Harry was going to be the last flight they ever do before something happens~
Hmm~ will Severus take Harry down into the deep water forever? *ponders* or will Severus leaves Harry forever? wah~ I don't want to think of that!
*glares darkly at faynia and stormypup for writing such an engrossing story but were sitting there laughing at us reading second-guessing their storyline... hmm.. what's their address agin? Let me check if I got any leftover Howlers~
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