WAT!? Wat are Christmas?

Dec 16, 2013 14:19

Let me begin by saying; this is a rant. Please don't feel obligated to read and reply, especially since I haven't posted anything on lj in a long time.
The Rant... )

christmas, rant, real life

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Comments 22

padfootthegrim December 16 2013, 20:58:00 UTC
These fuckers have no idea how lucky they are that this Christmas party isn't a plus one thing. We'd go, I'd gift wrap some dog shit and give it to all of them with a little card that said "because coal is too good for the likes of you, you greedy, low life, prima donna moneygrubbers. I hope you die in a chemical fire. Happy fucking Christmas, it's the most wonderful time of the year to make others feel like shit, so why don't you eat some of your own medicine?"

Let's get drunk that night instead. Love you darlin.


fawkesielady_ed December 17 2013, 13:44:44 UTC
Aww! You're super sweet!
The looks on their faces would be priceless! It'd be hilarious!
But yeah, getting drunk that night sounds like a better plan!


vampyrehunterm December 16 2013, 21:08:01 UTC
I hear you. It seems like it's more about the cost of the gift than the thought behind it these days. I grew up poor and was raised to appreciate the thought behind the gift. The hubby and I have spent a lot of lean years where we had to get creative about giving each other gifts. We didn't mind getting a gift that came from the thrift store or a used book store because it was a cool gift or book. I still cherish the memory of the hubby going to the local shonky shop and buying my old, faded stacking dolls. When he told them it was my birthday gift, they wrapped it in a nice handkerchief and tied it with a piece of embroidery thread. Still have the dolls, and the handkerchief. Unfortunately, certain members of his family think that you have to spend a lot of money to show someone you care.

So yeah, definitely fuck 'em. Instead of spending time with those people, spend the time with people that you actually want to spend time with and who don't care if you spend a lot of money on them.


fawkesielady_ed December 17 2013, 13:49:30 UTC
Thanks for the support :)
I'm not above a thrift store gift either. My mom has gotten me things from goodwill or another such place and those were some of my favorites.
It's the fact that this person thought of you when they saw a thing and thought you know, I bet she'd really like this thing.

Yeah, it's supposed to be the thought that counts, and with decent people, it is.


vampyrehunterm December 17 2013, 18:30:47 UTC
We used to do a similar secret Santa thing at the nursery school I used to work at. I got a can of Coke and a mango from the person who had me. Not because she was cheap, but because I drank Coke and I love mangoes. So the problem isn't that you can't afford "better" things or that you're following the rules. The problem is you work with a bunch of douches. (Would the feminine be douchettes?) You're following the spirit of the exercise. They're just showing off. Hugs.


goddess47 December 16 2013, 21:46:05 UTC
Awww.... sweetie...

{{hugs you}}


fawkesielady_ed December 17 2013, 13:50:23 UTC
Thanks! *hugs back*


goddess47 December 17 2013, 13:57:13 UTC
In spite of the circumstances, glad to see you again! Don't be such a stranger!


fawkesielady_ed December 17 2013, 14:08:16 UTC
Lol, I know right! I haven't written anything in a long ass time! I've got so many ideas... What I'm lacking is time to actually write them >_<
But it sure does feel good to be back! :-)


calcitrix December 16 2013, 23:31:01 UTC
Do...do these people not understand the entire concept of Christmas??? And how rude to talk about one of the participants when they don't know if they'll be listening. Ugh, I don't blame you for skipping the party. *hugs*


fawkesielady_ed December 17 2013, 13:54:36 UTC
*hugs back*
No, I don't think that understand the meaning of Christmas.
I was hurt, and I still feel a little bad, not because my gifts suck, but because my recipient has gotten so much less than everyone else. But the comments I've gotten in response to this post have given me hope that maybe there are a few good people out there, strewn all over the globe as to not make the rest of humanity feel like a puddle of poop because they are so inadequate.
Thanks for the comment babe!


timespirt December 17 2013, 02:57:45 UTC

That's how some people are these days. I like padfootthegrim's Idea. Send them crap for a gift!


fawkesielady_ed December 17 2013, 13:56:41 UTC
Lmao! Yeah, that was an awesome comment! It'd be great to see tier faces when they unwrapped a stinky pile of gross dog poo! Hahaha... Too bad I can't actually do that though :(


timespirt December 17 2013, 13:58:57 UTC
Why not...I remember something similar done on the SGA set by one of the guys. It would be a classic photo op anyway! LMAO


fawkesielady_ed December 17 2013, 14:05:36 UTC
Yeah, but unfortunately TV show sets are like a world of their own. If I were to do something like that, even though Christmas party is off the clock time, management would find a way to make me pay for that little prank in an on the clock kind of way.

To be honest, I'm about fed up with this daycare anyway, so it wouldn't ale much more to push me over the edge. Then I'd quit and I wouldn't have the money I need to support my family. *shrug*


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