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Comments 13

anonymous July 30 2008, 22:48:29 UTC
You just come up with the coolest books and your reviews make them sound incredibly interesting. Thanks!


ext_106285 August 4 2008, 03:25:51 UTC
I have this book on Mt. TBarc. I haven't gotten to it, yet... and I'm not sure when I will. I'm finding Mt. TBarc sits on my desk and taunts me, "Na-nuh-Na-nuh-boo-boo! You'll never get through!" *sigh* I'm beginning to believe it's right, too!


ext_115266 August 6 2008, 21:51:46 UTC
What an interesting sounding book! Thanks, I think I'll check the library for it!


I'm so glad I found your site... ext_115266 August 8 2008, 16:50:56 UTC
You review books I've never heard of, and never read, and would never thought to read... and now I'm adding all these new books to my Bookmooch wishlist! Awesomeness!



the_kestral August 14 2008, 05:45:09 UTC
Greek Antiquities? Woman of Influence saving her man's butt when he gets in hot water? rich with historical details... Hope you know you are increasing my must read list


dazyndara August 14 2008, 08:37:24 UTC
This sounds delightful! I hope the characterisation of ancient greece and not-so-ancient Istanbul isn't too inaccurate though :S


fashion_piranha August 14 2008, 13:36:58 UTC
There wasn't anything that struck me as glaringly off, but not being a serious student of ancient history I couldn't say for sure. But I think it's pretty accurate.


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