Discussion Question: Buying Textbooks

Jan 08, 2009 08:13

I went back to school on Monday, January 5th.  I know it seems a little early, but my school runs on the quarter system, not semester, so we start class at the beginning of January and have finals near the end of March so that we can squeeze in the spring quarter from April - June.  I was feeling pretty confident because I'd already purchased most of my textbooks through Amazon.com.  
Our campus bookstore is always super-crowded.  You have to check your backpack and there's always a line to get in, so I avoid it until the fourth or fifth week of school.  The staff tries to be helpful, but honestly most of them don't know history from anthropology when it comes to helping you find the books.  (I can understand this a little.  I've worked in a campus bookstore during the first few weeks of school and it is monstrous.)

So students: Do you buy your textbooks on-line or do you buy them at school?  If you frequent your campus bookstore, what's it like?


Also, if you're considering purchasing your textbooks on Amazon.com, please consider using this link:

All referral fees I receive in January and February are going to given to a local food bank, because they are experiencing huge shortages of funds as more people line up for their services and less people donate.  So please - if you're going to make a purchase on Amazon.com ANYWAY, click on the link above when you decide to shop (maybe bookmark it so it'll be easy access) and help feed a hungry person in the process.

charity, discussion question, books

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