Discussion Question: What books are you hoping to receive during the holidays?

Nov 29, 2008 15:50

So another Black Friday has come and gone, and bookwise it was quite a disappointment.  I don't recall seeing any great promotions at bookstores - did you see any?  I only had a chance to visit Borders before my shift started, and they had no sales at all.  Amazon.com claimed to have some pretty good deals, but I didn't see much of anything.

This year I started collecting the Classics of Western Spirituality library, printed by Paulist Press, so for Christmas I requested these volumes in hopes that I would come closer to completing my collection.   (I only have about a dozen of the books so far, so I have a looooong way to go.)  I thought the request wasn't so bad, until I realized that most "big box" bookstores like Borders and Barnes & Noble don't seem to carry them.  Oops!  Oh well.

Did you score any good deals on books yesterday?
What books do you want to receive this holiday season?

classics of western spirituality, discussion question

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