So another Black Friday has come and gone, and bookwise it was quite a disappointment. I don't recall seeing any great promotions at bookstores - did you see any? I only had a chance to visit Borders before my shift started, and they had no sales at all. claimed to have some pretty good deals, but I didn't see much of anything.
This year I started collecting the C
lassics of Western Spirituality library, printed by Paulist Press, so for Christmas I requested these volumes in hopes that I would come closer to completing my collection. (I only have about a dozen of the books so far, so I have a looooong way to go.) I thought the request wasn't so bad, until I realized that most "big box" bookstores like Borders and Barnes & Noble don't seem to carry them. Oops! Oh well.
Did you score any good deals on books yesterday?
What books do you want to receive this holiday season?