Tsubasa Through Time. 1: 1995 & 1996

Jun 26, 2013 01:58

I have to admit I already finished this months ago but couldn't find the time to post it (?)
All this started as a conversation I had with a friend... I call it "conversation" but actually it was more like a monologue^^ like this:
farsju:"Ask me to do a gif series containing Tsubasa changes through time. Not that much, maybe like 2-3 gifs per year. Because I don't know what else to do with my time."
Friend:"Do a photo series containing Tsubasa change through time. Maybe like 2-3 photos per year. That would be enough."
farsju:"No no no, you did it all wrong. gif. I said 'GIF'."
Friend:"Oh, well ... yes. Whatever. What you said. Do it. Please."
farsju:" ... but I'm sorry, are you mad if I can't limit it to 2-3 gifs per day."
Friend:"...... n o p e ...... ?"
farsju:"waaah, that's a great idea of yours! Thank you! You are such a great friend!"

Well, and this is how I ended up with this one.^^ (and I'm still working on it. Friend already lost all faith in me XD )
As you can see we talk about a lot of gifs so I'm gonna do various posts.
As far as I know this works best with firefox. Chrome is kinda okay. Opera will die. IE is outdated and never reached the gif age because it slows the gif down.

The main reason why I never posted this is because I would have to start with years '95, '96 & '97. When I did those months ago at first I thought it would be okay to only use 2-3 gifs per year. And as some of you might know obviously it hadn't been the digital age yet. ... so I could make some more later. One Day. Maybe. But. Not now. ^^

I tried to order these back then but I pretty much don't remember the actual order anymore so just go with it.


give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me, your love!
After joining the Jimusho he had been given the opportunity to sing the solo part in a song called "GIVE IT TO ME" which they also performed a few times.
That was pretty much the first and last time he had Takizawa as his backdancer XD

What? There are ghosts around here? - No, just snakes. (Kaiki Club)
There was this drama for kids. It's really not worth watching except you have several reasons to do so. Or you are younger than 10 and are okay with dead people, ghosts, blood and crazy stuff >_< Besides that this drama helped Takizawa, Tsubasa and Kawano Naoko ( = the so called "Kaidan Trio" / 怪談トリオ ) to become pretty well known. ^^

(Kaiki Club) As you can see Tsubasa got to play a rich boy called Keita who's too small for his age and has to wear too big clothes. And he wears the nerdiest nerd glasses. Yes. That's pretty much what defines him.

(Kaiki Club) See. He's such a clever boy. Everyone else, especially Takki, is very impressed by him. ^^
(Keita has his keitai ... hahaha)


(Ai Love Jr.) That day when Tsubasa (& Takki) had to catch 100 baseballs and that old woman was all "oh, look, boy, you're so sweaty. Well done." And he was like "I'm gonna do a prank on you after this, woman." XDD

(Kaiki Club 2) Because one season wasn't enough >___< But now he wears contacts because he's 14 and cool. Well, he's still smaller than the girls even though he's the oldest ... but he's still cool XDD
(There have been 3 boys and 2 girls and he ended up being the fifth wheel. No surprise. Noo-oo SURPRISE XDD )

Here we have Team Tsubasa (from left to right): Ohno, Kawano, Tsubasa. *some moderator-junior*.
For easier recognition: Tsubasa is the one usually lying on the ground, being unable to do push-ups.^^
I think the story behind this was: They lost some game beforehand and this is their ばつゲーム = having a wrestling training. I really wonder if they didn't know about it before, otherwise Team Takizawa would have definitely lost to get this "punishment" (considering the fact Takki loves wrestling and things that hurt) XDD But for these 3 boys this punishment had been a training to win their next battle. A spoiler: Unsurprisingly they lost again thanks to Tsubasa and Ohno. Kawano did just fine ^^'

Takki on his way to take over the world.
gnaaaahwww ... Surely I would want to watch you giving your best at dancing and perfoming.
... these two ...
if these boys would sell something I would buy anything they sell

Tsubasa Through Time. 2: 1997

tsubasa through time, imai tsubasa, gif, imai imai baa

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