Jun 28, 2013 20:50

I wanted to this post since forever. XD Or at least ever since we know about the track list of this year's PLAYZONE '13 SONG & DANC 'N. PART III !
I'm SOOO glad that once again it looks like they don't even try to act. I'm happy with the small sketches in between and don't really need any story just to see Johnnys', especially Tsubasa and Yara (and also ふぉーゆー and Yamamoto Ryota^^), dancing XD
Oh, and 4U. I love to see them develope further and further. And they are sooo funny XD

Half a year is over, we're facing summer (or at least the rest of the world does, we don't have a summer season here) which means it's just a little bit more than 6 months until the next COUNTDOWN. And now the PLAYZONE season begins. This year without any new songs. It's going to a show full with old and newer JE Songs which I like a lot, because you'll get to know about a few more old songs and also get to listen to newer songs in a different version. AND DON'T FORGET ABOUT ALL THE DANCING!!
(for those who don't know that much: Tsubasa is spoiled as can be so he only takes the best - which means as for choreographer PLAYZONE has the one from Michael Jackson. (who also works togeter with Koichi on Shock sometime or something. don't know so much about it) )

But this post won't be about the dancing, because it hasn't even started yet so I don't know what might happen (but I will when we get the DVD ... I'm afraid there won't be a BluRay again. Ah, as if I need to see their faces -____- ).
This post is about the songs. Well, it's mostly for me because I find it quite interesting to listen to the originals.
Because I only use youtube for this so it's nothing special. But still interesting.
(and I also ended uploading 2 vids because I couldn't find proper versions of ROAD TO PLAYZONE and LOVE YOU ONLY ^^')

At first, let's start with the original PLAYZONE songs and performances *_____*

24.Guys PLAYZONE 2011

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And I love the fact that it starts with 夢の翼を広げ ^^


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You know, that's the sad moment in life when someone dances on an office table and you have neither a close-up view nor a BluRay quality.

02.仮面舞踏会 by 少年隊 (Shonentai - Kamen Butoukai) 1985 DEBUT

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If I could make any wish I would like to see this by only Tsubasa, Yaracchi and Yuma. But I'm fine with anything. because this song is like EPIC.
And it's not like MatsuJun was the first one who found out you can kick off a microphone stand ^^

03.ケジメなさい by 近藤真彦 (Kondo Masahiko (Matchy) - Kejimenasai) 1984

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never heard it before XD
Matchy-san is dancing and wears pink. Something must have been very wrong back then XD

04.ハッとして!Good by 田原俊彦 (Tahara Toshihiko - Hattoshite! Good) (1980)

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... I only knew like 20 seconds of it ... and ... well, compared to other things the costumes are almost okay. And female background dancers in mini skirts.

05.100%…SOかもね! by シブがき隊 (Shibugakitai - 100%...So Kamone!) 1980 2nd single

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Also a rare Countdown song. You know, these are the 3 guys who sang スシ食いねェ! (Sushi kuinee!) XDD Which we already had at Playzone ^^


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Like this is one of my favorites (ever since I saw the Juniors version from Sugao3 concert in 2000 ^^' with Takki, Tsubasa, Subaru, Yamapi, Ryo, Toma, Yoko, Hina etc etc).
For me it's like one of the songs I would sing in a karaoke bar at 2 am after drinking a whole bunch of alcohol. after the end of the song I would start crying about how wonderful the world is (Nakai-like XD )

07.よく遊びよく学べ by NYC 2010 2nd single

*youtube doesn't have a video and I don't know any song a NYC ... but because the N = Nakayama Yuma is going to sing it anyway (at least that's what I guess) I will just wait for that*

08.どーしようもない by 田原俊彦 (Tahara Toshihiko - doshiyoumonai)

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09.愛・革命 by 滝沢秀明 (Takizawa Hideaki - Ai Kakumei) 2009 SOLO DEBUT
<- Tsubasa's Solo XD

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(couldn't find any other version than this video though)

Let's shake the world! ^^
The fair-skinned prince of the revolution! (quote by Tsubasa)
This is gonna be so much fun! When I first saw the list this was one of the songs which just HAD to be performed by Tsubasa and in his radio he finally said he would XD
Because I could end up with endless unfulfillable expectations about this which are mostly crack (thanks to previous performances/vtr by Tsubasa about that song XDD) I will just don't write anything and wait. XDDD
I love you shake! ^^

10.まいったネ今夜 by 少年隊 (Shonentai - Maittane Konya) 1989

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kinda slow? .... Ah, well, it's the song after Ai Kakumei which would mean they try to look serious again and dance and such ... ^^


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I'm really looking forward to this one too because I love it. For some reason or no reason we sung it a lot this month while walking through the street and so the day when I first saw the track list I had to laugh hard seeing this song on the tracklist. Well, kinda sad (? or not) that this year Atsuhiro isn't in PZ cast again but I guess it wouldn't be that much fun anyway always having to sing old songs from your old group that had been disbanded 18 years ago.

12.パラダイス銀河 by 光GENJI (Hikaru Genji - Paradaisu Ginga) 1988

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... I still remember I first saw/heard that song in Hana Kimi when they thought about what to perform at some school festival and there was small sequence with boys on rollerskates and obviously I didn't get that joke at all ... XDD

13.アンダルシアに憧れて by 近藤真彦 (Kondo Masahiko (Matchy) - Andalucia ni Akogarete) 1989

= ANDALUCIA! \(^_^)/

Naturally I would expect Tsubasa to perform that again. Because ... ANDALUCIA! For me it will always remain as THAT JE song even though it doesn't sound Japanese. But we have suits, dancing, hats, dramatical story, dancing, ... it never get's boring.
What else do I have to say about that. He almost lives there. This year he already had been there twice? thrice? He also performed a gajillion times. Well, I wouldn't mind at all to see it once again XDD Or to be more specific it would be great if he could change parts of the choreography in REAL flamenco moves. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME. He did that before for Matchy Concert but ... ha ... it's not like there is a dvd or something -____-

14.情熱の一夜 by 少年隊


15.青春アミーゴ by 修二と彰 (Shūji to Akira (Kame to Yamapi) - Seishun Amigo) 2005 DEBUT kinda

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It's not like they've performed in PZ before .. but ... oh, yes, they have O.o I wonder if something got changed about it or why they're are going to perform it again.

16.HONEY BEAT by V6 2007

*no, it's impossible find v6 things*
*have you ever tried to find anything by V6? It's rediculous. That's what happens if a band has the same name as a engine and even the sub groups ... just google "20th Century" or "Coming Century" ... impossible -.- *
*but this way there aren't many "illegal" things, so yeay!*
EDIT: mah.. I uploaded it -.-

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aww, that made me so happy to see it here. It's such a great cheering song. I like the PV of that song or better said the contrast between Inocchi and Go-kun. XDDD
EDIT: I'm still trying to learn the furitsuke but now that I know it's on Playzone I will triple my afford XDD
EDIT2: *10 min later* ACCOMPLISHED!!! XDD

17.ズッコケ男道 by 関ジャニ∞ (Kanjani8 - Zukkoku Otokomichi) 2007

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I expect this to be another highlight of the show XDD I already have no words for this XD
(somehow I have the feeling that song would fit ふぉーゆー / 4U XDD or just all members running through the audience in funny clothes. Please.)

18.青いイナズマ by SMAP (SMAP - Aoi Inazuma) 1996 22nd single / 1st 5人 single

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A classic. I always love it when they cover SMAP songs.

19.水の帰る場所 by 中山優馬 (Nakayama Yuma - Mizu no kaeru Basho) 2012 1st single coupling track

... well, Yuma sings a Yuma song? ... ? ...

20.フラワー by KinKi Kids (KinKi Kids - Flower) 1999

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Found a nice live version.^^
This also made me soooo soooo happy. As I wrote before in this post that song has such an important meaning for me. Like I loved it before I even knew exactly what JE is. Because a certain guy sang it in a bathtub and in a pachinko store.

21.お祭り忍者 by 忍者 (Ninja - Omatsuri Ninja) 1990 DEBUT

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... you see a group of 6 people dancing ... who might this be? Who might this be? SMAP before they became 5? KAT-TUN before they became 5? V6 (they will never became 5. I just claim that ^^' )? NEWS because once they also were 6 (among other numbers^^')?
No. It's a group called "忍者" and I've NEVER heard of them before even though they existed from '85 to '97. O.o ... but I know that song.

22.A・RA・SHI by 嵐 1999 DEBUT

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haha, I found their Takki PV on youtube where he made them wear these AWFUL AWFUL plastic bags XDDD (which they wear again at 5x10 Concert) ^^

23.星屑のスパンコール by 少年隊 (Shonentai - Hoshikuzu no Supankooru)

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25. Liar (instrumental)

So overall we have a lot of debut songs this time. That's all I wanted to say XD


videos, je is fabulous, v6, imai imai baa, imai tsubasa, playzone, fandom, tackey takki taki tacky ranger

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