Perfume desu! パーフュムです!

Jul 07, 2013 13:52

So the other day I went to a Perfume concert.
Yes, seriously. I'm talking about Perfume and no, I didn't leave my country. Which is already amzing on it's own because NO ONE visits this country when it comes to anything like Pop Music. You can see lots of Visual Key Bands, sometimes a few other Bands who are still kind Visual Key like. BUT. IT'S. A. DARK. COUNTRY. WHEN. IT. COMES. TO. ANY. POP. MUSIC.

So like the first time ever a Pop Group visits this dark country it's PERFUME. OMG!

image Click to view

Fake it! ~

Well, it took about 4 hours of drive to get there but because we took the whole day "off" (don't tell anyone ;) ) we managed to stand at a pretty good place in the end. Like 2nd/3rd row right in front of A-chan (middle), right behind a laser projector/monitor tower.
And before I was like "ah, it's nothing" but truth to be told, it's the ONLY female artist/band I listen to. EVER. On a regular base. And I also managed to make my male friend a huge fan of them. Because there was the day I told him, it's not okay, just to love T&T and Arashi (well it is actually), HE should get interested in female bands. Because this has always been his favorite music genre. And he was listening to Eurobeat way before I'd been even a little bit interested in Japanese Music. (You know, Eurobeat is the music genre the first V6 songs were like. e.g. "Music for the people", "Made in Japan". Those song were produced by some Italian guy and even though no one in Europe normally knows Eurobeat it was a big thing in Japan in the '90. Otherwise you wouldn't produce the whole first V6 album in that style. So this male friend showed me some Japanese Eurobeat songs yeaaaars ago and I was just like "wtf. what is this." Well, it wasn't V6 XD)

Well, however. Perfume.
I'm not here to write a concert report.^^
I just wanted to say that they are amazing.
One of the reasons why it had been decided they would perform in Germany (besides Paris/France and London/England) was because their Music style = Electropop was kinda invented here back in the ... '80s? '90s? *goes to wikipedia* no, '70s. sick O.o (but that was negative, scary sounding music from my point of view)

If you've ever been wondering who would attempt a Perfume concert at a place which is 9343km away from Tokyo, where you can't even buy their singles - Japanese people. And not even really the ones who are already living here but people, male and female, who came from all over Japan to see them at such a small concert venue.
Right before the concert while waiting in the line we met two Japanese male Perfume fans. As in: They arrived on that day from Japan, one didn't even speak English, they were 28 and 45 and we talked a lot in XD I really begin to wonder why I always end up talking to male Japanese people for hours about countries, cultures and music groups (like "what's your favorite song?" ->'uhm ... never thought about it. ねぇ?'. "Do you know they sing B'z 'Ultra Soul' in the MC part" ->'no, but I know that song!^^'. "Why there is no Karaoke in Germany" ->'because people here suck' "How do you buy singles and Albums here?" ->'oh, you have no idea how dark the world is everywhere outside Asia' etc ) XDD
We told them about when Perfume were guests at Domoto Kyodai and such and they kinda didn't know about it, asking for the song they performed and which was a cover and somehow I still knew about the melody. *phew*
They also suggested if we want to work in Japan we should try to start working for Johnny's Jimusho ( O.o haha, Japanese people are so friendly and funny )

In the end we worked together to get the best places in the concert hall room, buying the towels, and were dancing, singing and having fun ^^
The one thing that always kinda freaked me out about Perfume's choreography for the audience is that a normal T&T fan is used to do all furitsuke mirrored = exactly the same as they do. It's a part of your DNA. But here it was different at some points which kinda freaked me out XDD

It was wonderful. Like on of the Japanese people let me go first and I was like "no, no no no no no, too friendly. no. too friendly. I didn't pay a whole flight to just get here, I'm fine with everything" ... but I wasn't able to fight against it. And in the end he still managed to stand next to me. Before there were some Chinese exchange students. I didn't know how he managed it because they also seemed thrilled, but he managed it to get in the 2nd row somehow XDD
There were also two 13 years old Japanese girls who came from the back but they were like TINY so I let them take my 2nd row place because ... THEY WERE SUPER-TINY XDD

As for the Perfume. ... OMG they were so perfect. Like .. PERFECT. Super nice, and friendly and perfectly dancing and cute and they have such beautiful legs XD A-chan kinda messed up in the last encore a few times and it was so cute XD Nocchi said a few German words because she had German as second foreign language. So had Kashiyuka. Somehow it was still A-chan reading the German text in the beginning. For the MC the hall decided that English would be the most useful language to translate things to. But A-chan was like *talking talking talking talking*, so the translators were all totally confused XDD

So we all danced "Chocolate Disco" (Aiba's favorite song XDD ), jumped to "Fake it", were shouting during "Polyrythm", tried touching hands during "MY COLOR" ...
Did I mentioned I cried when they entered the stage. I'm a jumping ball full of feelings when it comes to concerts XDD

ねぇ gifs. taken from -> see watermark

In the end they let the audience pick out a song out of 3 as the last song. There were "GLITTER", "ねぇ" and "Love the World". I definitely wanted to hear both GLITTER and ねぇ so I shouted a lot for them XD So did the 45 years old, not looking like 45 years, only Japanese speaking Japanese fanboy (yes, boy) right next to me. Because I also told him before about 3 times that "ねぇ" was the one song I would definitely want to see live. So there was this funny moment when they asked to shoutl for GLITTER. he & me: YEAAAY! ねぇ. He & me: YEAAAAAY! "Love the world". we're both silently looking at each other. Realizing that still this was the loudest and everyone else besides those two silent people in 2nd row wanted to hear that song. XD
Well, they said it's one they liked the most even though it has the hardest choreography ... and in the end A-chan screwed up at a few points and it was adorable. So. I guess it's ... kinda ... okay ... XDDD

Photo from that evening. from their official Facebook. that's how it looked like.

EDIT: Oh, and I almost forgot the most important thing. While waiting and shouting right before the concert began, between all those "A-chan!!" "Nocchi!!" and "Yuka-sama!!" there was the Japanese man right next to me and he just shouted "YOU-tachi!!!!" ... I would have hit the floor from laughing if it would've been possible. XDDD

concerts, visual kei, v6, friends, perfume

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