some things to fill this post

Oct 04, 2011 20:35

Hm ... gotta do a new post .... so what should I write ... let's see ( Read more... )

arakawa, shunsuke daito, eita, ouran, j-dorama, oguri shun, i could tag everything, yamamoto yusuke, ikuta toma, arashi

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Comments 14

seelenlicht October 4 2011, 19:23:46 UTC
Hey dear...this is an English site, so just try to speak in English with me. -_-* (I`m trying it also, although my English does, really >.<)
But...yeah. I`m verry thankful, you know? Because you`re just such an wonderful person...and jeah. I`m afraid that I become sentimental and so...

Daisuki da yo <3


farsju October 5 2011, 20:07:58 UTC
oh, you're so cruel.^^ I already posted such a long post in English and now you think it's a great idea to do more English talking?

erm erm erm ... I think about what we could watch. Oh, Ouran is actually a good one to watch it with everyone together because it's full of fanservice .....^^
And you should watch Yuusha, it's full of nonsense. (remember: we already saw some parts of it)
*I ate to much, can't think anymore* >__<)



seelenlicht October 5 2011, 20:25:48 UTC
Ah jetzt hab ich aber slebst kein Bock auf englisch zu tippen.
Jedenfalls hatte ich gerade voll den WTF Moment! Weil ich plötzlich gechekt habe, dass ich doch morgen zu dir gehe XD Ich hab das schon voll vergessen. Internte ist böse, man vergiss welcher Tag heute ist...ich merke iwie immer nur zwischendurch, dass es nacht wird. XD
Na jedenfalls ist es toll, dass morgen...äh *nachguck* Donnerstag ist.

Ja ich hab mir auch schon überlegt was wir gucken...Ich meine Idn endet bald.
Oh ich mag Fanservice. *^*
Fanservice ist ne tolle Sache...warte mal...gabs da nicht die perversen Zwillinge? XD

Nah wir schauen morgen einfach was wir gucken.

Hat`s den geschmeckt? Siehste fü+hren wir unsere Gespräche schon auf...der 5. seite. Langsam wird das gruselig.


seelenlicht October 5 2011, 20:26:57 UTC
Hm Ruki sing gerade irgendwas über Masturbation O.o
Kinky J-rockerz. Ts.ts.ts


dori_liv October 4 2011, 20:24:25 UTC
I liked Honey and Clover. I guess I somewhat connected to Toma's chracter (whose name I can't remember XD)

And, I watched You're Beautiful but haven't started Ikemen Desu ne yet cos I'm way behind lol. From what I've heard it should be good too tho! Same with Soredemo Ikite Yuku.

as for next season, I have a few I would like to watch, but they are all quite samey. Plus most of what I'm watching is cos of whos in it lol. Karina, Ryo and most of KAT-TUN have dramas this season which I would like to watch if I have time. But I'm quite interested to watch Kaito Royale and Boku to Star no 99 Nichi. Will also check out Nankyoku Tairiku because that should be epic lol


farsju October 5 2011, 20:15:32 UTC
Everyone I heard comparing You're Beautiful with Ikemen Desu Ne says IDN wasn't as good as the Korean version. Well, I won't watch the Korean one so I can't tell.^^'
For me it's pretty nice but missing some parts and it has this not-unique feeling because there aren't really many deep stories about the characters... it's still pretty good though ^^
(for me it's like a shoujo manga XD )


dori_liv October 5 2011, 20:43:44 UTC
oh really? Did they keep the story with the main A.N.JELL guy and his mum? That was one of my favourite aspects of the Korean one.


farsju October 6 2011, 21:41:28 UTC
Yes, it's pretty long especially in the last 4-5 episodes it's the main aspect :)


rosa_elefante October 4 2011, 21:05:34 UTC
You're watching lot of things *_*

Ikemen Desu Ne: I understand the pain for poor Shu. Poor thing, always so kind... he's a bit like Hanazawa Rui (<3) you're right!! And Yuki was cute. Actually I liked the three boys, but not the girl: she has something... I don't like her XD The story was good too, but I didn't fully enjoy it because I'd already watched the Korean version so... I knew all XD

Arakawa: I want subs!!!! I can't watch it without T___T

Maou: it's my favourite drama ever! So perfect *_* But... OMG, that scene!!! The same!!!

And I really want to watch both Yuusha blah blah and Ningen Shikkaku!!!


farsju October 5 2011, 20:21:13 UTC
My Maou-story continues: The hospital his "sister" is in is the same as in HanaDan2. XDD I think I'll post about it later ^^

Watch Yuusha and Ningen Shikkaku! :)
I really recommend those and usually I just DON'T recommend anything because it's hard (taste etc) but those two ... everyone should at least give it a try because they're really good ( my opinion. There are different tastes, I know ^^)


hananaki October 4 2011, 21:59:03 UTC
Warning: this is going to be long ( ... )


farsju October 5 2011, 20:32:06 UTC
Yes, I kinda lost interest in Hachimitsu to Clover after 4 episodes but I really wanna watch it till the end ... -.- ^^

Ouran: Yes, Yamamoto Yusuke is still awesome as Tamaki. But because it's still the same story (nothing bad about it though) I now finally am able to see the other characters XD So after all I'm totally amazed by Daito Shunsuke's Kyouya <3

Well, and about the dramas: I think I wait for the first reviews... or I have to read about it before. Actually I'm not informed at all. There is nothing I would prefer or not prefer. Depends on ... I don't know what it depends on ^^'
(well, I'm afraid it's: 1.actors 2. story (funny still better than not funny but I would watch it all if it's good) 3. rest)


hananaki October 7 2011, 10:52:16 UTC
Dramas I am currently thinking of watching next season ( ... )


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