some things to fill this post

Oct 04, 2011 20:35

Hm ... gotta do a new post .... so what should I write ... let's see ( Read more... )

arakawa, shunsuke daito, eita, ouran, j-dorama, oguri shun, i could tag everything, yamamoto yusuke, ikuta toma, arashi

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hananaki October 4 2011, 21:59:03 UTC
Warning: this is going to be long...
First of all CONGRATS FOR WAtCHING MAOU.It was the first on going drama I ever watched, I didn't even know Arashi back then so much, I watched it being a huge fan Toma fan but I assure you, you will not regret it.It is amazing...

I just finished Yuusha too,it was epic...I am praying for a movie!
Ningen Shikakku...I think for me it was the best movie of Toma and it was a beautiful yet not for everyone to watch movie.
Hachimitsu to Clover : I hope you enjoy it better than I did because honestly I didn't. At all.Despite being a Toma fan, despite the cast etc. The only good thing this drama offered me is that I found out who Kashiwabara Taksashi was.
Soredemo Ikite yuku: I am waiting for the subs to end it because I certainly need to understand everything in this drama.I believe it will be the "Mother" of this season though...
Arakawa : waiting for the subs to come...if they take really long I will continue it though, having watched the anime and having some basic knowledge I think I can cope.
Ouran:guilty pleasure of this season.I love everyone.I would never guess I would love Tamaki so much but I do.I didn't believe he could be given so well as in the manga but I am glad Yamamoto Yusuke proved me wrong.And Daito Shunsuke<3

What kind of dramas do you watch?I have a lot that I am going to watch.Is there a certain preference?


farsju October 5 2011, 20:32:06 UTC
Yes, I kinda lost interest in Hachimitsu to Clover after 4 episodes but I really wanna watch it till the end ... -.- ^^

Ouran: Yes, Yamamoto Yusuke is still awesome as Tamaki. But because it's still the same story (nothing bad about it though) I now finally am able to see the other characters XD So after all I'm totally amazed by Daito Shunsuke's Kyouya <3

Well, and about the dramas: I think I wait for the first reviews... or I have to read about it before. Actually I'm not informed at all. There is nothing I would prefer or not prefer. Depends on ... I don't know what it depends on ^^'
(well, I'm afraid it's: 1.actors 2. story (funny still better than not funny but I would watch it all if it's good) 3. rest)


hananaki October 7 2011, 10:52:16 UTC
Dramas I am currently thinking of watching next season: it's the Arashi drama of the season,interesting enough, Sho is a butler,Kitagawa Keiko is his mistress let's say, it's also based on a manga, it could be good I don't have hopes for this to get subbed but I like the cast I also like the plot it could be very very good SAITOH TAKUMI+ TAKASHI MIIKE WANTS praying for subs for this...I love the cast the plot,everything.If you haven't watched anything of Ichihara do watch this! NO.WORDS.NEEDED. Kame drama,have to give it a try.It looks it's gonna be fun I love ARATA I am not sorry to admit... I am still thinking about this one... I think you have to watch this.It's Kudokan,fun guaranteed and the cast is really good. looking good Matsuzaka Tori...


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