
Oct 30, 2011 17:31


Is everyone back to normal now?

I hope so. If anyone's recovering and needs help with anything - errands or something, let me know. I have a lot of free time.

[ pause ]

Oh! Almost forgot, this place called the Jasmine Dragon is having a costume contest for Halloween! Anybody who's dressing up should stop by. The prize is free dessert.

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binarysky October 30 2011, 21:40:59 UTC
I am, at least.

Sorry for being such a pain.


binarysky November 2 2011, 18:24:42 UTC
I don't think there is one. They wouldn't keep records of stuff that people didn't do.


faroffdream November 4 2011, 03:55:41 UTC
You never know here, right?

[His brow quirks, and his mouth too actually in a friendly sort of challenge as if to say wanna bet? ]


binarysky November 4 2011, 04:12:26 UTC
Good point.

[It is, but when he hesitates before speaking again, it's not because of record books or...non-record books or whatever.]

Hey, I wanted to ask you something.


faroffdream November 4 2011, 04:32:14 UTC
[ This time his head tips to the side, and he blinks, but then he nods. ]

Sure. What is it?

[ Roxas doesn't seem upset, as far as Sora can tell, more...thoughtful maybe, but he shifts his weight a little from one foot to the other, a minor fidget for not being able to guess what it might be. ]


binarysky November 4 2011, 20:18:08 UTC
So...I thought about what you asked, and I don't think it would be right for me to move out and leave Demyx alone.

Even if he was with the Organization up until the end, he wasn't awful like some of them. And he's been a friend to me here.

[There's more to it than this, but he pauses, not wanting to overload Sora-and maybe a little nervous still, even though he has no reason to be.]


faroffdream November 4 2011, 22:34:18 UTC
Yeah, he's been nice to me too, here. [ Sora is quick to nod, an encouraging motion as if to say 'annnnd?', but he smiles as well, which is probably more communicative than anything else he might do. He's thinking that even outside of this place Demyx never seemed like a bad guy - just someone who was on the wrong side from where Sora happened to be standing. ]

I can see why you'd want to stay.


binarysky November 4 2011, 23:06:19 UTC
[He nods, glad Sora's not hurt. Well, hopefully what he says next would ameliorate that anyway.]

But...it's just him and me now. We have extra room.

You could move in with us. If you wanted.


faroffdream November 4 2011, 23:14:50 UTC
..wha - really?

[ He blinks, surprised and happy all at once though really it's more the former because he hadn't ever thought of inviting himself, hadn't considered it an option though some of that may be the lingering reminder he'd had to give himself a while ago when Xemnas was still around. It's different now and though things can change at any moment, he thinks that's probably true anywhere isn't it?

And Roxas has actually invited him, which brings into incredibly sharp relief how different they are too, and that makes him happy, insinuates in his subconscious a sense of completeness he's edging towards, one he didn't know they might be lacking for. ]

That'd be great, I mean, you don't think he'd mind?


binarysky November 4 2011, 23:31:58 UTC

[He can't help but smile at Sora's surprise. To Roxas, it's obvious that he'd want Sora to come. Having him here might be a bumpier road than if Roxas went there, but it's worth trying, isn't it? They've both faced greater challenges.]

I asked him. He said it's okay.

I know it might be...a little weird. After what happened with you and him. [Awk...ward...] But he knows you don't think being a Nobody makes you bad, either. I think we should try it.


faroffdream November 5 2011, 00:13:36 UTC
[The laugh that escapes him isn't so much one of amusement as it is the laughter of relief, the way one expresses something like gladness and something that implies the inability to anticipate certain opportunities. This City is full of them where Sora and Roxas are concerned however, and Sora thinks he could get used to it though he knows eventually, someday, they'll leave.

But the other thing is true too - that even when they do, Roxas is a part of him.]

A little weird, [He agrees but it's a soft agreement - one with the flexibility for things to go from weird to something a lot less awkward, hopefully. He's not the kind of person who just settles for neutrality if he can help it and Demyx, on the face of things, seems fun, seems nice. He more wonders if Demyx holds anything against him, not that he'd blame him for it.] but I think we should try it too.

It's nice of him - being open to trying, I mean!


binarysky November 5 2011, 00:36:06 UTC
So-you'll come live with us? For real?

[He doesn't need to ask-Sora just said as much. But it's almost hard to believe that something could work out so well for them/

It's not that it'll be perfect-he knows better than that. But loss has been the dominant theme of Roxas' short life so far. It's nice to think that now, together, they can finally gain something.]

It'll be great. We just have to get used to it.


faroffdream November 5 2011, 04:42:44 UTC
We will. I'm sure we can.

[Sora says this only because he honestly believes it's true, wouldn't say so otherwise.]

Um...but when? Should I...I mean if he already said it's okay I guess I don't have to, but should I talk to Demyx first...you think?


binarysky November 5 2011, 14:59:33 UTC
That might not be a bad idea...but then you can bring your stuff whenever. As soon as you want.

And the cats, too.


faroffdream November 5 2011, 22:55:51 UTC
Okay, I'll talk to him first since it seems kinda...you know, to just show up even if he said it's alright uh...

Oh yeah! Riku and Kairi. They're not growing much and they spend most of the day sleeping. They won't get in the way.

[ Unless one counts the couch. They manage to take up the whole thing somehow... ]


binarysky November 5 2011, 23:10:54 UTC
Yeah, since you'll be roommates and all...it'd be polite.

[He chuckles] I've never had pets around before. It'll be nice. [He pauses] Sora? I'm really glad you're coming.


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