043 [audio]

Mar 29, 2010 09:19

When we all went belowdeck, did anyone else find that room full of posters? I have a fair number of of them in my room--all birds. Not any birds I've ever seen, of course, but Kras City is lucky to have seagulls, one would require quite a bit of luck to find a cardinal or whatever those were.

Or the bird would have to be utterly mad.

[He's ( Read more... )

so sentimental (not sentimental no), how genuinely surprising!, isn't he friendly?, information

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ecopiracy March 29 2010, 23:29:27 UTC
What do you mean, "the ship is not a ship?"


farfairersoul March 30 2010, 02:16:28 UTC
An earlier passenger used her golden frog to ask the crew about the ship, and was told that what is isn't at all what we see. She had a bit of a breakdown about it over the network.

So no. The ship is not a ship.


ecopiracy March 30 2010, 02:19:59 UTC
Why perpetuate an illusion as large and complex as this? How would such a thing be done, and for such an extended period of time?


farfairersoul March 30 2010, 02:23:27 UTC

[By his tone, he's stating the obvious.]

Redd turned us both into sixteen-year-olds for three days. He turned Erol into an eco-drunk cyborg, and Jak into a child.

I don't think making us see things differently would be difficult at all.


ecopiracy March 30 2010, 02:27:49 UTC
[Phoenix is silent for a moment. Razer has a point.]

That still does not answer the question of why.


farfairersoul March 30 2010, 02:28:42 UTC
More than likely to keep us docile. I can't imagine they would conceal what this place truly is if it were altogether pleasant.


ecopiracy March 30 2010, 02:31:48 UTC
[And as he thinks about it and the possibilities fall into place, Phoenix's mouth presses into a thin, grim line.]

And it makes it more difficult to escape.

So the question then is what can we do?


farfairersoul March 30 2010, 03:05:40 UTC
I still don't understand this constant wish to escape that so many people cling to. This place isn't so bad, is it? And it isn't as though we really have homes to go back to anyway, so what does it matter?

That said, it's easier to fight something if you understand it, so the best plan of action for everyone would be to simply find out what we can until we know enough to understand what we can do.

You'll have to forgive me if I don't take part in your eventual coup, however. I'm quite content on this ship that is not a ship.


ecopiracy March 30 2010, 10:07:24 UTC
I'm sure there are many reasons that other people have, but I want to return to the skies and I want my freedom back. I do not care to have a madman looming over my head with the ability to toy with my life in whatever way he pleases.

[His lips thin again and he shakes his head.]

And I refuse to believe that our world is gone.

But if you prefer this life over whatever you had before, then very well. I won't ask for your assistance against the captain or his men.


farfairersoul March 30 2010, 16:42:42 UTC
I have almost everything here that I did back home, and the extra makes up for what I find myself lacking. The company is significantly better, especially now that Mizo's gone, and to be completely honest the scenery hasn't changed much. Kras City had water in all directions as well; the only thing I really miss are changes in the sky.

Although I should probably mention that back home I never really had time to look at the sky. I may get bored now and then, but even without the fame and the fans I had before this life is significantly more enjoyable than the one Redd plucked me from.

[He shrugs, not that Phoenix can see it, and inhales through his everpresent cigarette.]

Makers, I might even be willing to go against you in whatever brilliant mutiny you eventually plot in order to keep it.

[He chuckles.]

But probably not. It's more fun to watch everyone scramble about after things have been turned upside down that it would be to help the crew reestablish order. Probably.


ecopiracy March 30 2010, 22:31:03 UTC
[Phoenix is silent for a moment, considering what Razer just said and the possible implications. When he speaks, he carefully picks his words.]

It would be... unfortunate, if we were to end up on opposite sides.

[He likes Razer well enough, holds a certain amount of regard for him. But if Razer stands in his way on this...

No. He won't back down from that fight.]

Hopefully it won't come to that, though.


farfairersoul March 30 2010, 23:06:34 UTC
Hopefully, considering we all know how easily I could best you in a fight.

[He's not entirely serious; the tone is playful, subject changed and somber conversation dropped just like that. He is pretty sure he could kick Phoenix's ass if he actually had to, but considering they've never had a real fight it would be hard to say.]


ecopiracy March 30 2010, 23:10:47 UTC
Is that so?

[Phoenix allows a smile back onto his face. He recognizes the change of subject for what it is and is content to go along with it.]

And how, pray tell, do you know that?


farfairersoul March 30 2010, 23:13:56 UTC
[Yeah, Razer likes Phoenix a little too much to talk about seriously injuring him. For the moment. Maybe later.]

Well, I did allow you to win when you came to reclaim your goggles. I could have flipped you back over without issue.

I don't think you're really accustomed to fighting someone in your caliber, so your technique seems a bit...sloppy.


ecopiracy March 30 2010, 23:31:17 UTC
On the other hand, I was not treating our fight in the same manner as I would a true battle. If I fought you seriously, it might not be as easy as you might think.


farfairersoul March 31 2010, 19:20:05 UTC
I doubt that, Phoenix. I really, truly do. I'm fairly certain I have significantly more experience in this area than you do. Again.

Ah, but you're younger than me, I suppose it's to be expected.


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