Mar 29, 2010 09:19
When we all went belowdeck, did anyone else find that room full of posters? I have a fair number of of them in my room--all birds. Not any birds I've ever seen, of course, but Kras City is lucky to have seagulls, one would require quite a bit of luck to find a cardinal or whatever those were.
Or the bird would have to be utterly mad.
[He's quiet for a second, and in the background there's the steady splash of waves and a low, soft wind.]
Regardless, rediscovering those posters earlier today made me feel a bit...nostalgic, one could say. Have I been here long enough to call it nostalgia? I'm not entirely sure, but the feeling is similar enough.
I think I miss birds.
I'm not particularly fond of animals in general, I've never even tended to an allicat, but you must all admit that being out here this long without sign of anything in the sky--unless those rocks that fell after everyone's ages were changed somehow count--is more than a little eerie.
Only when one thinks about it, I suppose. I'm almost never abovedeck, so I don't notice as much as I likely could--
[As previously stated at various points in his stay, Razer sunburns so easily it's either not funny at all or absolutely hilarious, depending on a person's opinion of him. Generally he stays inside; today, however, he's made a foray up to deck two to admire the view. For now.]
--but it is still odd. The weather doesn't change either, does it? Except for that holiday with all the snow, which I'm uncertain counts to begin with given that the snow was indoors.
[Another pause for him to take a drag on his cigarette.]
If the ship is not a ship, which it isn't, then the ocean is not an ocean, which would explain why it appears to be entirely lifeless. Even Kras had fish and seagulls and storms, and it was so far out from land there was nothing but ocean on all sides. Much like this...thing that isn't a ship.
I wonder what it really is we're traveling through? If we're traveling at all.
[Only Razer could take that many words to say "Isn't it weird there are no birds or anything? And it never rains? Yep. Definitely weird."]
so sentimental (not sentimental no),
how genuinely surprising!,
isn't he friendly?,