As previously announced,
there will be a Boston Lisp Meeting taking place
Next Monday, March 30th 2009 at 1800 at MIT 34-401B,
Carl Eastlund will speak about
Modular ACL2. Additionally,
having observed the success of the formula at
I'm instituting Lightning Talks at the Boston Lisp Meeting.
At every meeting, before the main talk,
there will be two slots for strictly timed 5-minute talks
followed by 2 minutes for questions.
Our first Lightning Talks will be given by Matt Knox and François-René Rideau. Matt Knox has been hacking on Ruby and Scheme for the last 3-4 years.
Looking at Rails, and how to fundamentally improve it,
he came up with GoaloC (Generate on a Lot of Crack).
I, François-René Rideau, am a story-teller who dream of myself as a software author.
I will address designers of computer languages and systems about
Better Stories, Better Languages.
ITA Software,
is kindly purchasing a buffet to accompany our monthly Boston Lisp meeting.
Anyone who attends is welcome to partake.
However, we appreciate it if you let us know in advance you're coming,
and what food taboos you have.
Tell us by sending email to
boston-lisp-meeting-register at
(you remain anonymous, no spam, no ack unless requested).
Finally, our next next meeting will happen on Monday 2009-04-27,
and will feature Noah Goodman on MIT-Church, a non-deterministic Scheme.
The previously announced speaker, Norman Ramsey,
will hopefully be speaking in May,
on purely functional dataflow optimization (in Haskell).