Drabble: Gondor's Spring

May 14, 2006 21:30

This drabble is answering two challenges at once: the "White Tree" challenge (hope I'm not too late) and windswept1's request for a drabble about Aragorn and Faramir. (I'm afraid I still don't feel quite ready to put them both on the same stage at the same time, so hopefully this will be acceptable.) I see Faramir as a teenager in this drabble.

Title: Gondor's Spring
Author: Cressida
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Warnings: None


Gondor's Spring

“It does not seem dead in winter,” Faramir commented, gazing at the White Tree’s bare branches. “It might be only sleeping, gathering strength to flower again in spring.”

“Would you like to see that?” Mithrandir watched his young friend keenly.

“More than anything,” Faramir breathed. “It must have been beautiful.”

“It was.”

Faramir looked oddly at him, then turned back to the Tree. “But a King planted it, and only a King could restore it,” he added wistfully.


Months later and many leagues away, the wizard remembered this conversation.

“I think the younger son would welcome you,” he told Aragorn.

gen, drabbles

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