Cardcaptor Aiba - Prologue

Sep 18, 2013 21:03

My name is Ninomiya Kazunari. People always call me Nino. I'm 17 years old and will graduate from high school soon. I cannot wait to graduate. I will start working and have money for myself. I don't have to wait for my monthly allowance to buy new games.

What else do you want to know about me? My personality? Hmmm, how should I describe myself? It is actually my aim to be a person that cannot be described easily. And it seems that I have fulfilled my aim. People don't usually know how to describe me. But, one thing for sure, they always call me a brat. I don't blame them. I am a brat.

Anyway, let's not talk about me. We're moving on to my friends. I have a lot of friends, actually. They said that I have this kind of vibe which makes it is easier to talk with me. Like they have known me for years. Whatever, they are free to say anything. I may have a lot of friends but I only have three best friends. Let's talk about the first one.

The first one is Aiba Masaki. He is an airhead. He is clumsy, friendly and nosy. I love to bully him. He will not be careful at all around me. His purpose to be alive is probably to be bullied by me (as I said, he is stupid). He always does a stupid experiment, has a lot of energy and never get tired. He is a busybody. He knows about everyone in the school. For example, where is everyone's house, their exam result. Just ask him anything about anyone and he will give you the most accurate answer ever. Sometimes, he will tell you more than what you need.

The second one is Matsumoto Jun. I call him J. He is scary, you have to be careful around him. He is a certified DoS in the school. If you try to make his life miserable, he will ensure that you get triple than what you did to him. But he is also caring. People always said that he is a kind sadist (weird isn't it? How can you be kind and sadist at the same time?). But yeah, that's him. He loves fashion. He has a lot of clothes and weird taste too. Sometimes, he designs clothes but I never wear what he designs, too sophisticated for my liking. Aiba has always been his fashion victim. Oh, speaking of Aiba, he has a crush on Aiba and has been quite obvious about it but Aiba never knows (Aiba is stupid). I don't know when he will confess but I hope before graduating. They will make a cute couple.

I honestly do not want to talk about the last one. If I keep talking about him, I will never stop. He is so special to me. His name is Ohno Satoshi. I love him (yeah, you read it right, I LOVE him). I don't know when it starts but I really love him. I know him since I was a kid. We always play together. He has the best ass ever and I love to grope his ass ( he doesn't mind and let me grope him). He loves to eat and will say that everything he eats is delicious, he even said Aiba's weird food delicious. But just like J, I never have enough courage to confess to him. I don't know if he knows about my feelings. He is not stupid like Aiba, he is just always in his own world. He always spacing out. Still, I love him so much.

We're always together, the four of us. No one else has been added in our group ever since we're a kid. But, one day, the stupid, clumsy Aiba chan opened a book and released a number of cards known as the Clow Card and awaken the guardian of the card. The Guardian claimed that Aiba should capture all the cards. If not, all the cards will cause a catastrophe. Ever since that day, the guardian, Sakurai Sho (which I call the know-it-all guy. He is one annoying guy as well, always remind me to eat and all) has become the additional member of our group. And, Aiba himself becomes Cardcaptor Aiba.

ohmiya, via ljapp, cadcaptor aiba, fanfic

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